Pressure Point Marketing

MLM Science Newsletter

Website Update and Recorded Training Bonus

Published: Fri, 08/05/11

Hi, I hope your having a great Friday like I am. I did a major overhaul of my website and was pretty happy with how smooth it went. Sometimes you…

Google Plus?

Published: Wed, 08/03/11

Hi, After getting back from Costa Rica in an intensive mastermind where students were paying $4,000 to be taught be some of the leaders of the…

Keyword Training - Yes You Should Learn This

Published: Wed, 08/03/11

Hi, I have a recorded keyword training I have put up for my team. I'm sharing some of the things that I do and that includes keyword research. Check…

Get Out Of The Cycle Making Cash Correctly

Published: Tue, 08/02/11

I was reading a book while I was kicking it in Hawaii that was an eye opener about a doctor. How does a doctor struggle financially? Check this out…

Do Smart People Join MLM Stuff?

Published: Mon, 08/01/11

Hi, I got to thinking, as I sometimes do when alone, to: Do Smart People Join MLM Stuff? Check it out on my website and put in your 2 cents to what…

Cold Calling Scripts And What To Avoid

Published: Sat, 07/30/11

Hi, If you have been in business for a bit you probably have either attempted cold calling leads or have heard of an associate doing it. Well, I'm…

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