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Key West Sold Out!

Published: Sat, 04/04/15

In This Issue: Key West Sold Out! By Richard C. Young Millennials Shun Boomers’ Stuff By E.J. Smith A Conundrum in America’s Workforce By Debbie Young…

The Armed American Family: Part II

Published: Fri, 03/27/15

In This Issue: The Armed American Family: Part II By Richard C. Young Can the President Be Trusted? By Debbie Young Demographic Symbolism By Debbie…

The Armed American Family: Part I

Published: Fri, 03/20/15

In This Issue: VIDEO: Larry Bird’s 60 Points By E.J. Smith Bullying Climate Skeptics By Debbie Young Burning the Constitution? By Debbie Young Crude-…

My Two Favorite Handguns

Published: Fri, 03/13/15

In This Issue: My Two Favorite Handguns By Richard C. Young King v. Burwell—Policy to Trump Law? By Richard C. Young Ethics and the Blind Clinton…

Unarmed Is Uninformed

Published: Fri, 03/06/15

In This Issue: Unarmed Is Uninformed By Richard C. Young The Swiss Debt Brake Miracle By Richard C. Young France’s Manuel Valls and the Two-Fold…

M855 Ammo Ban

Published: Fri, 02/27/15

In This Issue: M855 Ammo Ban By E.J. Smith How to Stop the Coming Islamic Apocalypse By Debbie Young Fight Obamacare with the Freedom Option By Debbie…

My Colt AR-15

Published: Fri, 02/20/15

In This Issue: My Colt AR-15 By E.J. Smith #1 New Release Sold Out By E.J. Smith The Big Fat Surprise By Richard C. Young David Lebovitz, Sardines and…

ISIS Wants Mecca and Medina

Published: Fri, 02/13/15

In This Issue: Bragging Rights in Te as By Debbie Young Kicking Santa on Christmas By Richard C. Young The Libertarian Mind By E.J. Smith VIDEO:…

My #1 Career Tip

Published: Fri, 02/06/15

In This Issue: Keystone XL—the Sound and the Fury By Debbie Young The Dead Are Dead By Richard C. Young Ski Like a Girl By E.J. Smith Alice in…

The Panic before the Storm

Published: Fri, 01/30/15

In This Issue: The Panic before the Storm By E.J. Smith Appelez un Chat un Chat, Monsieur Obama By Debbie Young Former bin Laden Unit Chief Speaks By…

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