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No Hope for the Middle Class

Published: Fri, 12/18/15

In This Issue: Front National Delivers a Warning in French Elections By Richard C. Young America’s Domestic Enemies vs. Donald Trump By Richard C.

We Need A New President-FAST

Published: Fri, 12/11/15

In This Issue: “We Need A New President—FAST” By Richard C. Young The Jihadist Storm Gathering on Obama’s Watch By Debbie Young France’s Front…

Power’s Out. Now What?

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

In This Issue: Who Is Our Ally—Putin or Erdogan? By Richard C. Young Ted Cruz E poses Marco Rubio By Richard C. Young Power’s Out. Now What? By E.J.

Power’s Out. Now What?

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

In This Issue: Who Is Our Ally—Putin or Erdogan? By Richard C. Young Ted Cruz E poses Marco Rubio By Richard C. Young Power’s Out. Now What? By E.J.

Ted Cruz Exposes Marco Rubio

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

In This Issue: Who Is Our Ally—Putin or Erdogan? By Richard C. Young Ted Cruz E poses Marco Rubio By Richard C. Young Power’s Out. Now What? By E.J.

Get Your Drugs and Guns

Published: Fri, 12/04/15

In This Issue: Who Is Our Ally—Putin or Erdogan? By Richard C. Young Ted Cruz E poses Marco Rubio By Richard C. Young Power’s Out. Now What? By E.J.

Hillary Clinton: Islam Is Not Our Adversary

Published: Fri, 11/27/15

In This Issue: Hillary Clinton: Islam Is Not Our Adversary By Richard C. Young Rubio’s Direct Collision Course with Russia By Richard C. Young Destroy…

Paris Reality

Published: Fri, 11/20/15

In This Issue: Paris Reality By Richard C. Young We “Have Contained” ISIS By Debbie Young Stock Market Beauty Contest: Part II By E.J. Smith The…

Clinton E-Mails Stolen by Russia?

Published: Fri, 11/13/15

In This Issue: Keith Richards Interview By E.J. Smith Clinton E-Mails Stolen by Russia? By Richard C. Young Obamacare, in Economic Shambles By Debbie…

Changing the Face of Europe Forever?

Published: Fri, 11/13/15

In This Issue: Keith Richards Interview By E.J. Smith Clinton E-Mails Stolen by Russia? By Richard C. Young Obamacare, in Economic Shambles By Debbie…

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