What Nails Do Carpenters Hate To Hit? / Meet Our New ACC Woodworker ~ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #153

Published: Mon, 10/27/14

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Newlsetter Issue 153
October 27,, 2014
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

This past week, the ACC crew has been busy doing a lot of exterior rot repair and gearing up for the winter.  

What Nails Do Carpenters Hate To Hit?  . . . Our finger nails!

On Saturday, a few of the ACC crew met and did some hammer testing.   If you're not aware we have been publishing all of our tool related reviews and Head-2-Head  evaluations over at ToolBox Buzz[TBB]

We feel that TBB is the best platform for the tools to be showcased.   Concord Carpenter will continue with some reviews, how-tos, tips and house, remodeling, lawn and garden and wood-shop projects.

Did You Say Hammers?

For our Hammer Head-2-Head, we are doing a "remote tool review." That means that all seven ToolBoxBuzz and ConcordCarpenter tool reviewers will take the hammers to their respective job sites and projects to evaluate and then submit data to one of the authors who will write the review. 

Watch for the hammer Head-2-Head review, it  will be out in a few weeks.

Here is a photo album of some of the hammers and some pre-testing we did.

New to ACC Wood Working Contributor
I spent the last two Sundays with my friend and soon to be Concord Carpenter's new woodworking contributor, Don Halstead.
Don, a  CFO, mechanical engineer, and accomplished wood worker will be writing on the ACC site in the future. 
Stay tuned for more wood-shop articles and tool reviews from Don. 
Don's Shop
Making Shaker Inlay Trays
At Don's wood shop we built a slew of Shaker box trays, also known as oval Swallowtail trays. 
Many of you may recognize these trays as Shaker box lids - and they are.   
Shaker boxes are often used for decorative purposes, they were originally used for storing kitchen ingredients, sewing materials and similar purposes. The most identifying characteristic of a Shaker box are the "fingers" or “swallowtail” joints made at the point where the band overlaps itself, each of which are cut and secured with copper tacks.
Why a Swallowtail Joint?
The Shakers’ meticulous attention to detail can be seen in their   swallowtails on their oval boxes.   Swallowtail joints are stronger than a straight joint, and carefully beveled with a delicate and pleasing shape. 
The lids are handcrafted from select Cherry and the "swallowtail" fingers secured by copper tacks with wooden pegs to hold on the bottoms.
See you next week!  ROB
SEE Photos - start to finish process
Daylight Savings and Smoke Detector Batteries
Changing smoke detector batteries is something most people forget to do.  A good way to remember to do this is to time it when you change your clocks for day light savings.  
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