Frozen Pipe Tips, Hammer Testing, Holiday Tool Guide ~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #157

Published: Mon, 12/01/14

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Newsletter Issue 157
December 2, 2014
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi guys,

Well, the cold weather is here and I’ve already had a plow-able snowstorm before the Thanksgiving holiday.  This newsletter will address some useful and money saving cold weather preparations.

Hammer Testing:

This week the crew is we putting the finishing touches on our Hammer Head-2-Head article which will be posted on the Tool Box Buzz website. 


Head-2-Head Tests:

If your not familiar with H2H testing, we lead a team of contractors and pit some of the best tools on the market head to head and give you detailed feedback.

Each head to head tool review starts off with specifically designed tests that allow us to showcase the tool in real world applications.
[See photo of hammer testing rig - above]

During the testing we typically have 5-7 individuals with varying backgrounds use the tools so we can develop a matrix of results and opinions on the tools performance.

The results are used to develop our head to head tool reviews where we compare topics like: Ergonomics, Price/Value, Speed, Power, Accessories, Durability and Performance.

Our goal is to offer you a relative comparison of similar tools so you
can make a decision about which tool is best for you. We're always looking for ideas so feel free to send us a note if there's a head to head tool review you'd like to see us do next!

The hammers showcased this week will be:
  • Dewalt
  • Estwing
  • Powerstrike
  • Stiletto
  • Hart
  • Kobalt
  • Stanley
Holiday gift guides:

We've selected a wide range of tools and accessories for every budget that we know will wow your lucky recipients. Take a look at the items we compiled, use the convenient links, and check another person off your holiday shopping list!

We will continue to place them at the bottom of the newsletter this month.  I hope you take a moment to them out.
Preventing Frozen Pipes - 12 Tips

Being prepared and informed may help you to avoid the messy and often expensive issue of frozen pipes.

This article provides you 12 money saving tips on how to prevent water pipes in the home from freezing, and how to thaw them if they do freeze.
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Keep Snow Away From Furnace Vents

Here's a super easy tip that can save lives and your heat from failing.  Keep Snow Build Up Away from Venting Systems.  Snowdrifts or a large snowfall can block your furnace or hot water heater exhaust pipe and cause it to stop working.

If you live in a snow region like I do, you either have to make sure you shovel or snow blow the area in from of these pipes or build an "A-frame" to cover the furnace vent pipe.  
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2 Awesome Holiday Tool Guides


Concord Carpenter Tool Gift Guide

Let the Concord Carpenter Crew help you choose the right gift for your loved ones this holiday season. This Holiday Gift Guide for 2015  is chock full of great tools and accessories for your loved ones that will make you look like a hero this season.

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Tool Box Buzz Gift Guide

Because one gift guide is not enough - you have TWO to choose from.

Are you looking for the perfect idea for a stocking stuffer this year?

At Tool Box Buzz we have a few ideas for you, some of them require a much larger stocking though.

These are just a few of the items that we have recently reviewed here at Tool Box Buzz and thought they were definitely a perfect gift for your professional contractor, Serious Do-It-Yourselfer, or even the regular home owner.

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