Holiday Greeting ~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #159

Published: Mon, 12/22/14

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Newsletter Issue 159
December 22, 2014
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry
Photo:  Posing with the Shaker trays I built a few weeks back - they are going to make great gifts!

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

This newsletter will be short, I have some exiting news to report.  Starting next week I will be writing a weekly article in the Boston Globe, Sunday edition.  

The first article will focus on introducing who I am and how I got started.   Subsequent articles will be a Q & A format and will be available in a digital format.    Occasionally I will be doing tool reviews, special project stories and some video work.  Were excited her and hope it will open some new doors for ACC as well.

On the ACC website we've recently published some great tool and product reviews from the Festool CT Mini HEPA Vacuum to the innovative and durable WobbleLight and Milwaukee M18 Stick Light.

We even posted a creative way to save and protect Greek Revival roof returns.   Most Greek Revival buildings have substantial cornices that extended into gable ends as "returns."  We wrap ours in copper - SEE HOW

Lastly,  as the year closes I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other observance that your follow!

. . .  and a happy and healthy New Year!    ROB

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