Hammer Test, Sonos Wireless, Smoke Alarm Updates ~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #158

Published: Tue, 12/09/14

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Newsletter Issue 158
December 9, 2014

A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

There were a bunch of new articles published on ACC this week from SawStops contact detection technology to a product review and kick ass video on the Sonos Wireless Sound System!

Well we finally finished our Hammer Head-2-Head article and it is live on tool box buzz.     

Hammer Head-2-Head:

Hammers are one of the most widely used tools in the world and while the basic concept hasn’t changed much over the years,   technology has certainly pushed some significant improvements.

We reached out to a range of brands and asked them to send us up to two hammers, preferably a “light framing” weight hammer and a more subtle “finish” weight hammer.   Here's what we found:  Hammer Head-2-Head Testing

"Chirping" Smoke Alarms:

This past week while watching a football game, my wife keep asking me what the beeping sound was, and to make it stop!!

Being the dutiful husband that I am, I hit the pause button, got up and determined that the beep was a basement smoke alarm low battery indicator.

After changing the battery, twice, with negative success I determined that the alarm must be faulty.  Because I had written the installation date on this smoke alarm I new it was 9 years old and figured it was time for new technology.

After doing some research on smoke alarms and interviewing a friend, who is also a local fire department chief, I determined that there was some smoke alarm safety MIS-INFORMATION  that you folks need to know.

Updating Your Smoke Alarms

If your like me you, you have the best of intentions but probably only get around to changing your smoke alarm batteries once a year, not twice as recommended, or worse wait for the “chirp,” to do it. You also never vacuum them or test them, am I right?

Do you even know what type of smoke alarms you have? Or, that having one kind over another can make a difference in getting out safely in a home fire?

You need to be informed . . . This article could SAVE your families life!

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House Fires ~ Have A Plan
Most house fires happen between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. Which means you’re likely to be asleep, making it that much more important that you know how to save yourself and your family since you won’t have much time to plan your escape.  Do you have a house fire plan?
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Sonos Wireless Sound System - Review

We are all about improvising, adapting and overcoming obstacles or problems that plague the home remodeling industry.

We recently took a close look at Sonos, a flexible and functional home sound system designed to work with wireless and existing wired speakers.

We wanted to see if Sonos could “remove the pain,” with two remodeling conundrums we often face when considering adding music on a remodel:

  1. Filling a home with music, without having to rip open walls, and install wires.
  2. Utilizing an existing wired speaker system; to be more simplistic, versatile, easily controlled and enjoyable.
Read More and Watch Video

Concord Carpenter's Tip

If you work in a winter climate then you know the frustration of trying to work with adhesives, caulks and glues in cold weather.

Building a Job-site "HEAT-BOX"

Keeping Caulking and Adhesives Warm
We build a plywood "HEAT BOX" to keep our adhesive and caulking tubes warm.  A 300-watt halogen light shining down into the box creates enough heat to keep these items pliable and workable.  

Stay warm!
Read More Tips Here

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