Here’s mud [Avocado] in your eye! ~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #160

Published: Tue, 12/30/14

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Newsletter Issue 160
December 28, 2014
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

These last few days have been relaxing.  We shut down the remodeling company operations, for a few days through the holiday, and start back up Monday.  

Today is our 160th newsletter and our subscription base continues to grow, thanks to you folks!

I hope that you and your family spent some quality time together.  My oldest, Ryan is home from Elon University, it's been nice to have all three kids back at home. 

Man do they grow up fast!

Yesterday my 15 year old and her girlfriends had a day of beauty. 

For those that know me, I never shy away from fun or poking fun at myself. So I let the girls give me an Avocado facial mask - gotta tone, condition, and refresh my skin for those tool shots!

Avocado Face Mask:

Nothing beats an Avocado mask - this little wonder may have an outer rind that resembles an old leathery pear, but the inside green-goodness is a staple in skin-care products. Why? Well, with its high fat content, rich consistency, and nutrient-goodness this little piece of nature packs a moisturizing punch.  Ha-Ha!

Next Year Is Here!

I hope that all of you have some time with family this or next week and take a minute to reflect back on last year and even . . .  poke some fun at yourself!    

We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!  "Here’s mud in your eye" ~ Salute!"

Leadership and the Small Buisness

A Gallup poll  found that one of the most important decisions companies make is simply whom they name manager.  The problem is that many companies fail to choose the candidate with the right talent for the job 82% of the time.

Bad managers cost businesses billions of dollars each year. Businesses that get it right, however, and hire managers based on talent will thrive and gain a significant competitive advantage.

The small construction business leader, to be successful, has to keep his or her eyes on a lot of things at one time. 

This article is focused on providing you with some tips and solid techniques to help you juggle all of those balls you have in the air.

Small Buisness Leader Tips
Rules For Writing Professional Emails

One of the most striking cultural and social changes in the U.S. in recent decades has been the revolution in the ways Americans communicate.

Until recently, most people communicated face to face and through letters and the traditional landline phone. Now, computer and smartphone use has dramatically accelerated, and texting, cellphones and email are the most commonly used modes of communication.

It is amazing to me that many contractors and business people in general have not realized how important their email communications are.  In my opinion if you are in business for yourself or work for a business that requires you to communicate via email, you need to be aware of proper etiquette.

Tips For Sending Professional Emails
Winter Tool Reviews
We are still defining our winter editorial and product review schedule.  If you have a tool or product you'd like us to review and write about - simply reply to this email.

To keep up on our tool and product reviews you need to visit our website home page weekly.   If you haven't been there in a few weeks, here's what you missed:  

Visit My Website: 

Be sure to check out our videos at the Concord Carpenter YouTube Channel

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