~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #163

Published: Mon, 01/19/15

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Newsletter Issue 160
January 20, 2015
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

I'm behind writing this - spent yesterday watching the New England Patriots win their division!  And what about Green Bay?  What a bummer!

Oh well life int he workshop moves on, this week we care busy making style and rail cabinet door for a custom bookcase project we are working on.

The Boston Globe Sunday column is going well and emails are starting to come in.  Here is Sundays article.

We're pretty excited to announce that plans are in action to merge this newsletter with the Tool Box Buzz newsletter, see below for a more detailed explanation.

In two weeks, the ACC crew will be heading out to Las Vegas to attend the World of Concrete.  We will be posting live on Facebook and Twitter as well a posting some interesting videos on Youtube later in the week.  If your going to be at this event and want to set up a meeting, let me know.

Stay well  ~ ROB
Concord Carpenter and ToolBoxBuzz Newsletters to Merge!

Many of you already know that in addition to ConcordCarpenter I am a an editor at ToolBoxBuzz.com.
Well instead of writing two newsletters we've decided to merge the two separate newsletters into one.  The plan is for this will take effect in the next month or so.
in the meantime need to redesign the newsletter template.  Don't worry, there will be a dedicated "ConcordCarpenter" section covering the same stuff we do here.
I need your help!!
What do we call this new newsletter?  Here are some suggestions we've received so far:
  • The Tool Box
  • Inside Our Tool Box
  • Inside the Tool Box:   Tools, Tips and Techniques
  • Take a Look Inside our Tool Box
  • Wood-shop Weekly: Our ToolBox in Your Inbox
  • On the Level Carpentry Tips & Tricks
  • On the Square
  • The Carpenters Edge: Weekly Tips & Tricks
  • Cut to the Truth: Level Headed Carpentry and DIY Advice
  • Work Bench News:
  • What do you suggest?
Please email me your suggestions!!

    Titanium Hammers vs. Steel Hammers

    The titanium hammer vs. steel hammer debate has been going on at my job site for a few years now.

    The questions all address whether titanium hammers are worth the cost, which is sometimes 4-5 times more than a steel hammer, and do they REALLY prevent injuries?

    do you have an opinion on this?  Here's what I think ....

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    The RIDGID R4512 - A Pro Saw at and Entry Level Price

    We recently took a close look at the Ridgid R4512 table saw.   What impressed mostly us was this saw has many cabinet saw features, at fraction of the price. This saw gives users the ability to move the saw easily with an integral pedal lift and caster mechanism.

    Our goal was to see if this saw could handle Pro tasks accurately, safely and without making too much dust. 

    Click the link to read more and check out our video review as well.

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    Building A Wine Cellar
    Did you know that a temperature of 50° F to 55° F and a relative humidity of 60% to 70% is ideal for long-term wine storage?
    A cool temperature slows the aging process, while high humidity helps to swell the cork, which minimizes oxidation.

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    How To Build Your Own Wine Cellar

    This article will give you the essentials needed to understand and learn How to build your wine cellar cooler.

    When building your wine cellar, room preparation is key in controlling the environmental factors that may negatively affect the storing and aging of your wine.  A properly constructed cellar will allow you to use the smallest cooling system possible.

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    Visit My Website:  AConcordCarpenter.com 

    Be sure to check out our videos at the Concord Carpenter YouTube Channel

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