Breaking the Record - Learn to Lead ~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #169

Published: Tue, 03/17/15

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Newsletter Issue 168
March 17, 2015
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,Well it's official, Boston broke the snowiest ever record. 

Do we get a championship ring for that, or do I just count all the empty beer and scotch bottles and chalk it up to a miserable winter?

We are a week or two away from publishing the Miter-saw Head-2-Head.  Most of the saws that we tested have been written up individually on Toolbox Buzz.

We are still planning on combining the ToolBoxBuzz and the ConcordCarpenter newsletters into one newsletter.  Thanks to all of your input, we are leaning on calling it,  "On the Level."   More info to come.

Enjoy your week! 

 ~ ROB
What's In you Leadership Toolbox?

The small business leader, to be successful, has to keep his or her eyes on a lot of things at one time. 

This article is focused on providing you with some tips and solid techniques to help you juggle all of those balls, you have in the air.

READ: Small Business Leader

What's New On The Concord Carpenter Website?

If you have not visited the ACC site in some time you are missing
home improvement, DIY, remodeling, projects and tool reviews.

We truly enjoy using our knowledge and experience to help and educate on best practices in the remodeling industry.

This week we published the following topics:

  • Job-site Organization: Job-box Solutions
  • NEW - Milwaukee M12 Circular saw review and video
  • 7 Tips for winterizing your Home
  • OLFA Snap off blades
  • Festool Kapex Miter-saw review
  • Bayco Safety Flashlight
  • Starting your own Carpentry Business
  • ProBuilt LED Work-light review
  • DEWALT 12v Wall Scanner
  • RIDGID Gen5X Cordless tool kit

Visit Website to See Articles
Carpenter Tip
When it comes to framing gable end stud walls there are many methods to use, and a lot of different math to choose from. 

Gable wall studs increase at the same measurement every 16-inches.   The fastest way to install these studs is to determine the roof pitch, apply some math and cut all of the studs on the ground.

Nowadays most guys use a construction calculator to do this, but in case your old school, here is the math:

Determine roof pitch:  e.g. 8 pitch  [8" rise for every 12" run]
Multiply the roof pitch times 4 and divide by 3

8 x 4 =32 / 3 = 10.666      [10-11/16" gable stud difference]

For example:

Stud 1:   10"
Stud2:    20-11/16   [10+10-11/16"]
Stud 3:   31-3/8       [20+10-11/16"]
Stud4:    continue to add 10-11/16" for every stud needed

**  Your studs will grow 10-11/16" every time.  Now you can cut them safely on the ground and install them.

Read MoreTips
Contractor Mistakes To Avoid

Below are some mistakes contractors make, so that you can avoid them:

  • You shouldn't run your business without some sort of business plan.
  • You should know exactly how much you can charge clients in your area.
  • You shouldn't work with people that you don't get along with.
  • Avoid signing contracts that you don't feel comfortable signing or don't understand.
  • You shouldn't undersell or oversell your services.
  • Don't do any work that you don't know how to do or that you don't have a contractor’s license for.
  • Make sure that you have workers compensation insurance and don't ever hire an employee with out it.

 If you're planning on staying in business and would like to be a contractor for a long time, be aware of these items.
More Contractor Advice

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