Good Morning!! ~ ConcordCarpenter Newsletter #170

Published: Fri, 03/27/15

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Newsletter Issue 170
April 3, 2015
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

This past week we attended the JLC LIVE trade show.   Probably the most exciting thing we saw was a demonstration of the NEW Bosch GTS1041X REAXX Portable Table Saw with Active Response Technology. 

This saw includes flesh-detecting technology to help reduce potential user injury.  We first saw this at the World of Concrete trade show but were sworn to secrecy!   Not anymore, we captured it on video ---  WATCH THE VIDEO

We've been busy with a nation wide carpenter search, just kidding, but we have interviewing for a new member to join our remodeling crew.    The "new guy" starts next week.

I know I keep threatening that the miter-saw Head-2-Head is coming out and it is!   We are a week a two away from publishing our results and video - be patient, we have day jobs!!

Next week, Todd Fratzel and I, will travel to North Carolina to visit RIDGID headquarters.   We'll be sure to report back with all the cool things we see.  Should be fun!

Lastly, many of you have told me my website head shot looks "angry."   Ben Carmichael, friend, photographer, and contributing writer at ACC is determined to help out.  The photo above is one of his shots.

  ~ ROB
Telescope Project
Many of you may remember that a year or so we built this telescope project for a client.  See pictures here

The client was concerned that vibrations from the house would cause distortion in the telescope pictures so a plan was devised to "decouple" the telescope from the house frame.

To do this we devised that we would need a three-leg support system to hold the telescope up.  These support legs would have to travel from the basement through the first and second floors and up into the telescope dome.  [See below photo]

Continued below....
Photos of Telescope Support Legs

Telescope Support Legs

We used 8" water lines with welded on flanges as support legs.  We had to re-work framing so the 8" pipes could travel through the framing without touching.  

At the top of this structure we will custom weld a triangular frame to tie all three together and to support one mast into the dome room to secure the telescope to. 

Once we had the support system designed we needed to determine how to install it through the house ascetically without ruining the flow of the living space.

To do that, we devised a few false walls and utilized a closet to hide the columns in - the "boss" of the house was happy!

This has been a super challenging, fun and unique project!  Check out our photos.
Telescope Support Leg Photos
NEW Milwaukee M18 Compact Brushless Drill and Driver Line
The folks at Milwaukee have come out with a compact brushless drill and driver line. 
  • Drill [2701]
  • Hammer Drill [2702]
  • Impact Driver [2750]
Milwaukee's goal was to fill the gap between their entry level M18 brushed line and their premium priced, and performing Fuel line.

Not everyone can afford, or needs the premium FUEL line - I do!   In fact, Milwaukee's research shows that most contractors want the durability and power of the M18 brushed line and with more run-time. 

These new compact units are slightly larger than a M12 tool and deliver 50% more run time than the comparative brushed models! 
Watch Video

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