~ ConcordCarpenter #183 ~ New DESIGNRAIL = A Colorful Option! Special Edition

Published: Fri, 07/17/15

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Newsletter Issue 183
July 17, 2015 
A Concord Carpenter - Promoting best practices in the remodeling industry

Concord Carpenter Workshop News

Hi Guys,

The middle of Summer here in New England and it's been gorgeous lately. Many of us are spending time in the back yard, on our decks and porches and hoping Winter never arrives.

Does your deck need some sprucing up?

Planning a new deck?

If so there are some great products on the market to make your deck more beautiful, longer lasting, and ultimately a great investment in your home.

This week we want to share one of those great products from one of our sponsors, Feeney. We've used their products in the past with great success and now they are offering colors! While these bright colors might not appeal to everyone, I'm certain there are lots of you that will have plenty of idea for your decks and railings.

So read on to check out this exciting new product.

 ~ ROB
Feeney DESIGNRAIL is a complete railing system for residential and light commercial spaces that make a bold statement. Sleek, modern, and functional; Feeney DESIGNRAIL is the perfect choice for contractors, designers, and homeowners who want to make a bold statement.

You can say a lot about Feeney’s new colors, but Andrew Penny may have said it best “Homeowners, architects, and designers are looking for ways to personalize residential and work spaces .We have added a splash of brilliant color at the railing to give them the inspiration to enliven any indoor or outdoor living space,”

The new colors of “Express Yourself by Feeney” are definitely ACC approved!

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What A View!!

A few years back I did a video  on Feeney's CableRail system up in Lake Sunapee NH - its a super nice system and VERY clean look. 

Check out this 1-minute video and let me know what you think of the system - and by the way - check out that VIEW!

Be sure to check out our videos at the Concord Carpenter YouTube Channel

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