On The Level Newsletter - Framing A New View

Published: Wed, 10/07/15

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On The Level - Straight advice from the pros
From the editors of Tool Box Buzz, Home Construction Improvement and A Concord Carpenter

Todd Fratzel: Prefabricated Wall Panels
Rob Robillard: Framing Energy Efficient Corners
Jeff Williams: Ridgid Fuego Framing Circular Saw
Todd Fratzel: DEWALT DWE7491RS Jobsite Table Saw

This week we'd like to focusing on framing projects and products. All of us here at TBB spend a great deal of time on projects that deal with framing whether it's a new build or renovation work. So here's a few topics that we think you'll enjoy.
Todd Fratzel
Prefabricated Wall Panels
We've been using prefabricated wall panels for years with great success. Prefab wall panels should NOT be confused with modular homes as they have nothing in common other than being manufactured in a factory.

Prefabricated wall panels are built exactly as we would do in the field except that they are done great precision (computer assisted cutting machines) and out of the weather. A well trained crew can set and entire level of a house in less than a day (exterior walls) and be ready for the roof or 2nd floor deck framing the next day.

Here in New England this can be a huge benefit when the elimination of weather delays can be a huge advantage in keeping a project on schedule. Read on to learn more about why I believe this is the best way to build a new building.
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Robert Robillard
Framing Energy Efficient Corners
Many framers these days have changed the way they frame their corners.  Historically framers have over built corners, headers and walls.  Framing energy efficient corners means using less wood in the corners and allowing room for insulation.

If you're not framing your corners this way its time to get up to speed on this improved method. Read on to learn how it's done!
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jeff Williams
Ridgid Fuego 6-1/2″ Framing Saw
If you have been following tool news for a while you know this saw is not new. In fact the Ridgid Fuego 6-1/2″ Framing Saw has been on the market for over five years and the reason it is still sold today is because it is a great saw. It is every bit as capable as the bigger 7-1/4″ saws but is lighter and easier to handle. I have been using this saw for almost four years now and have no interest in trading it in as I have mountains of saw dust that can attest to its capabilities.

Read on to learn about this oldie but goody!
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todd fratzel
DEWALT DWE7491RS Jobsite Table Saw
Pretty hard to find a framing crew that doesn't have a jobsite table saw kicking around or at least in the job trailer ready for action. Last year DEWALT introduced several new models and this is one I really like. After using it for over a year I can say it's worthy of any PRO crew and it's built to get the job done. Read on to find out why I think it's such a great saw.
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