On The Level - Deck Safety, Awesome Garage Door Opener, and Lawn and Garden Tools We Love!

Published: Wed, 08/31/16

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On The Level - Straight advice from the pros
From the editors of Tool Box Buzz, Home Construction Improvement and A Concord Carpenter
Volume 54
This week all of the local schools and universities are back in session. We've had a couple chilly mornings and Fall is just around the corner. It has me writing a list in my head of all the things I need to get done before winter. Whether it's with getting winter work lined up or preparing my own home for the winter season. There's lots to do before the snow flies but there's still plenty of time as well.

Fall can also be a great time to get a deal or two on lawn and garden equipment for next year as retailers start to clear out their stock. We've included a couple articles below in case you're in the market for either a cordless lawnmower or a new string trimmer. 

Fall is also the time when the weather starts cooling off making decks a more pleasant space to hang out in. Before you have all of your friends over for a fun evening, take a good look at your deck to make sure it's safe. We've included an article below that has great tips and examples of how to check out your own deck.

Also, we are continuing to post new Tools On Tap videos every Friday. If you've missed any of them you can check out everything to date at the link below.

Rob Robillard
Deck Safety
Before you invite all your buddies over for a big BBQ, take a gander at your deck to make sure it's safe for you and all your friends. There are approximately 40 million decks in the United States and only half of those are code compliant.  Deck safety is a real problem.

Every year we hear about decks that collapse under the weight of people or snow load. If you have an existing deck that is more than 3 years old you should have it inspected for safety issues and make necessary deck maintenance corrections by retrofitting safety hardware to make your deck safer and bring it more in line with code compliance. Here are some items to consider when looking at your deck and considering deck safety:

  • Rot
  • Structural Connections
  • Loose Railings and Framing
  • Fastener and Metal Connector Corrosion
  • Footings
  • Guard Rails
  • Stair Safety
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todd fratzel
Best Cordless Lawn Mower
Summer is wrapping up and maybe the last thing your thinking about is a new lawnmower but now can be a great time to snag an end of the season deal on a mower or other piece of lawn and garden equipment.

A year or so ago we tested some of the best cordless lawnmowers on the market in a head2head post. In the article we tell you who we think makes the best model, and we’ll answer the question whether cordless mowers perform similar to a gas powered mower.

Cordless mowers are quieter, odorless, and nearly maintenance free. On the other hand, gas powered mowers require lots of service including oil changes, fuel filters, spark plugs and air filters. Any often times people wait to do service until the mower won’t start and the lawn is growing faster than the hair on your head! Cordless mowers eliminate much of the maintenance and they are quieter and odorless.
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Jeff Williams
RYOBI Garage Door Opener Review
RYOBI has recently branched out into an adjacent space to tools, the garage. On the market since May this opener has already been turning heads, whether they are online or in my own garage.

Every time a friend comes over they ask what's going on with my opener. The bright green paint scheme pulls them in but the functionality is what really interests them. From all of the available modules to the smart phone app. This opener will change the way you think about garage door openers. Read our review for why we think this opener deserves consideration for your own garage.
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Jeff Williams
Makita String Trimmer Review - 4-Stroke, High Torque

Makita recently came out with a new 4-stroke high-torque commercial duty string trimmer Model EM2652LHN. We got our hands on the Makita string trimmer and have been testing it for the last few months with great success. Makita has a number of gas powered tools that are also 4-stroke powered so they’re no stranger to these power plants.

This string trimmer is brand new so you'll be hard pressed to find any end of the year closeouts on it but keep it in mind for springtime. It is a comparable size, weight, and power to it's 2-stroke brethren but without any of the drawbacks that come with a mixed gas unit. Pair that with better fuel efficiency, lower emissions, and less maintenance and you have all the makings of a great tool. Check it out! 
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