On The Level- Pay It Forward

Published: Wed, 10/04/17

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On The Level - Straight advice from the pros
From the editors of Tool Box Buzz, Home Construction Improvement and  Concord Carpenter
Volume 106

Pay It Forward  

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Teaching and fostering the next generation of skilled workers is something near and dear to us here at Tool Box Buzz. As pros ourselves, we remember the time that our mentors put in to help us develop. Because of that, we're always willing to pay it forward when it comes to developing those interested in the trades.

Eastern Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, EMNARI, approached us a few weeks ago and asked us to participate in their upcoming Youth Remodeling Career Day later this month. The career day is a trade fair that "exposes high school students pursuing a career in the trades to many of the daily tasks remodelers perform."

We have a booth at the fair that will be stocked with new tools, eager students, and seasoned professionals, a perfect recipe for a hands-on learning station.

todd fratzel
Promoting The Trades

For several years now our society has mistakenly pushed college education as a necessity for a successful life and turned kids away from vocational opportunities and construction/remodeling career paths.

Here’s the problem….If everyone goes to college, and nobody goes into the trades, who will build or houses, fix our plumbing, or repair our electrical problems.

ROb Robillard

Start Your Own Carpentry Business

One of the big benefits of a career in the trades is the satisfaction of working with your hands. That feeling you get creating something functional and beautiful is unmatched. One of the other big benefits is that once you've worked in the industry for a little while, you have the option and ability to start up your own business.

Starting up and running your own business is a very rewarding endeavor. Sure it's hard work but completely worth it. In this article we go through some of the steps to help you get started.
Jeff Williams
Teach Them Young - Kids and Tools
In this article we show you 3 ways to introduce kids and tools in a relatively safe manner but more importantly, it’s quality time spent together. Maybe they won’t take a shine to them right away and that’s ok. It took me years to appreciate the skills my dad was teaching me and even longer to appreciate the quality time but now they are some of my favorite memories. Now get out there and do something together.

Video Highlights

Below are some of our most recent  videos.

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