Magic Workouts for Speed Endurance?

Published: Tue, 04/05/11 Success in Track & Field ... and Life
In this issue (something for everyone):
  • Off-Season Football Training Video
  • Speed Endurance Magic Workouts
  • Free Soccer Speed ebook
  • Best of March 2010

Off-Season Football Training video
Duane Carlisle is currently the Director of Sports Performance at Purdue University with 16 years as a NFL Strength Coach. His 50 minute video details offseason strength and conditioning techniques was presented at a seminar recently.

Here are a few of the topics he covers in the video:
  • How to establish standards of excellence
  • Why training must be specific to the demands of the position
  • How to determine (and address) the individual needs of your athletes
  • Combining strength and movement training
  • 7 Foundational Movements athletes must master before progressing in training
  • Analysis of the specific strength & conditioning routines Duane uses with his athletes
The video is free, and you need to enter your email address. There will be more free videos added later (you can see that once you sign in)

>> Click here for the off-season Football Training video

Magic Workouts for Speed Endurance?

Do magic workouts exists?

At first, I always say “No”, there is no such thing. Consistent, injury free training is the way to go.

But after pouring through hundred of hours of live conferences, videos and books, I’ve changed my stance on the definition of a “magic workout”.

The answer is: “Your little friends are wrong. Yes Virginia, magic workouts do exists”... but ONLY if you can reach the target times of a workout for a certain performance, that is.

To me, that’s the magic workout you need to reach your goals at the next race. If you can’t reach those times in practice, how do you expect to do it on race day?

Real Time Examples of Magic Workouts

I recall at one conference, someone asked Marita Koch's coach (Woman’s 400m WR holder of 47.60 set at the 1985 Canberra World Cup) what was her toughest workout. Was it 3 x 500 meters? Was it 4 sets of 6x60m?

No, it was the classic speed endurance workout of 4x30m, 60m, 100m, 120m, 150m. All with full recovery which took well over 2 hours to complete. She said she felt “bagged” for the next few days afterwards from CNS overload as well as the high demands on the alactic system.

One way around CNS recovery as well as training the muscular system is by using EMS devices. More on that in future articles.

Ben Johnson’s Magic Workout

Ben Johnson had the same workout (Charlie Francis was inspired by the East German system) and prior to his 9.83 world record set at the 1987 WC in Rome, ran:

Workout: 30m, 60m, 100m, 120m, 150m
Times: 3.80, 6.38, 9.90, 11.78, 14.68 seconds

He went on to run a 9.83 WR. That 60m time extrapolated to a 9.80 and 9.85 for 100 meters. See article on 60m to 100m conversions.

Bruny Surin’s Magic Workout

Both Dan Pfaff and Tom Tellez do similar workouts as above but in descending order of distance. (click here for their training videos)

Bruny Surin's (coached by Dan Pfaff) workout prior to his 1999 WC in Seville silver medal in 9.84 behind Maurice Green. In that race, a drug free Dwain Chambers finished 3rd. If you remember that race, in fact, Bruny was ahead at the 50 or 60 meter mark.

Workout: 120m, 90m, 60m, full recovery
Times: 11.8, 8.7, 6.3 sec

No surprise, that workout wiped him out for a few days afterwards.   Again, another 6.3 for 60m.

But as the article on 60m to 100m conversions suggests, just because you can run 6.3 for 60m is no guarantee you can run 9.8 for 100m. By the way, Usain Bolt’s splits were 6.32 and 6.29 from 2008 and 2009, and those are FAT splits.

Michael Johnson, Jeremy Wariner’s Magic Workout

There are numerous articles on the 300-350 meter distance for special endurance workouts on the Blog. It is no co-incidence they are all within the “40 second zone”.
2 x 350 with 5 minutes rest

Prior to his 43.18 WR in Seville, Michael Johnson quoted on a Sports Illustrated interview that he did 2 x 350 with 5 minutes rest in “42 and 43 seconds”. Obviously, he meant to say 42/43 second PACE, and that gave him the confidence he needed to determine he was ready to assault the WR. It is possible the article was wrong and he was referring to doing 3 sets of 350 meters (see below).

Jeremy Wariner quoted in an IAAF interview with a similar workout in 2007 with split times of 40.09 and 41.60.

Just a reminder that 40 seconds for YOU may be 325 meters, or even 300 meters, so adjust your workout accordingly.

3 x 350 with 5 minutes rest

Michael Johnson would run 3 x 350 meters in 45 seconds with 5 minutes rest. When he ran 3 reps in 43 seconds with 4 minutes rest, that, too was a confidence boosting workout to run with lactate.

2 x 450 with 10 minute rest

Another gut-wrenching butt-locking workout is Clyde Hart’s springtime 2 x 450 meters with 10 minute rest. He suggests aiming 57 to 58 seconds for College kids. Originally, he started with 15 minutes recovery and worked his way down to 10 minutes.

Now, you didn’t think I would end this section without revealing Michael Johnson’s splits?

Well, he did 2 x 450m in 50 seconds with 6-8 minutes rest! Then he knew he was ready!


Basically, magic workouts exists IF you can reach your target goals for the performance you desire.

So it’s not really the workout that makes it magical, it’s really the athlete performing to your expectations.

… and the confidence you need going into the next race.

That could be a Season Best, Personal Best, Masters Age Group Record, or even better, a World Record!

The Soccer Speed Bible

Guest Blogger Jonas Forsberg of Sweden and I put together a free ebook on Soccer Speed. It contains 14 articles from the website in a single PDF file. You can download that book here:

>> The Soccer Speed Bible (PDF, 1.2 Mb)

Best of March 2011

As always, here are the best articles for March 2011


Jimson Lee


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