Day 5: Jim & Carrie's Turn! (Christmas Marriage Advice Series)

Published: Sun, 12/27/15

Dear ,

Has this series been a help and encouragement to you? We hope so! We've enjoyed hearing from some of our married children! The topics they've shared on include:

And to wrap up this series, it's finally our turn! Here we share with you lessons we've learned from our parents...

Day 5: Lifelong Commitment...and why we talk about sex!

For both Carrie and I, both sets of parents demonstrated love and commitment in their marriages that lasted all life-long. The builder generation, which formed and shaped the attitudes and values of people our parents’ age, was known for commitment. Couples planned on staying together for life and were usually prepared to work on their relationships.

However, many of our parents’ generation found it very difficult to broach subjects that were taboo in general society—specifically, sex and sexual desire were not often freely discussed in marriage. If our parents were examples, if sex was talked about between husband and wife, it certainly wasn’t talked about with the children!

We are living in different times.

If husbands and wives are not willing to address sexuality openly and honestly in their marriage and with their children as they mature, disaster will result! We live in a society that has twisted God’s great gift of sex and marketed the counterfeit in ways that set this generation up for catastrophe.

Teaching and modeling biblical marriages and sexuality is more important than ever before!

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter to receive regular encouragement for your marriage and stay in touch!​​
 The Intimate Couple