Have You Seen Our New Online Home?

Published: Thu, 02/25/16

We're excited to announce our totally new & improved The Intimate Couple website:
Our New Website
Here at The Intimate Couple, we've always been dedicated to helping you develop the marriage of your dreams! We believe you can enjoy romance, have great sex, and experience your dream marriage.

Our new website exists to help and equip you in doing just that — in a fresher, friendlier format that we hope you'll enjoy! 
Go Home and Make Love...
A few weeks ago, Jim and I were on vacation in northern Ontario. Our week was filled with "focus on our marriage" time, a dog sledding excursion, walks in the beautiful winter air, and plenty of relaxation! 

On Valentine's Day, friends of ours preached the Sunday message because Jim was away. Their message for married couples was fun to listen to but filled with practical wisdom for husbands and wives! Jim and I encourage you to listen to Merf and Sheri as they speak about "Go Home and Make Love...a Verb!" 

Click on this link to listen in iTunes: Go Home and Make Love...a Verb!
Our Dog Sledding Adventure!
Have You Discovered Our 3-Step Plan?
Our new free resources, created just for you!

Our 3-Step Plan will help you ignite passion, deepen intimacy, and transform your marriage!
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter to receive regular encouragement for your marriage and stay in touch!​​