A Science Lesson for Couples!

Published: Wed, 03/09/16

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A Science Lesson for Couples
Q: What percentage of an iceberg is typically seen above the water?

A: 10% (to 20%) 

That’s right! The greater part of the iceberg is hidden beneath the ocean water.

The iceberg is a brilliant illustration for couples to understand the importance of 
intimacy in our relationships. When I say “intimacy”, what do you think of? The 
majority of people think “sex”. The iceberg illustration helps us understand how the 
different types of intimacy fit into a marriage relationship.

Sexual Intimacy, like that 10% of the iceberg that is visible above the water is 
probably considered the most obvious form of intimacy.

Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual Intimacy, are like the 90% of the iceberg that is 
hidden and less visible. Though these types of intimacy seem to be “below the 
water”, they are integral to a marriage. Just as the larger mass of the iceberg 
determines the direction the iceberg flows because of the ocean currents, these 3 
types of intimacy provide direction and stability to the marriage relationship.

Download our FREE resource to discover more about the Four Areas of Intimacy in 
a marriage.
The Intimacy Iceberg
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