who is your best friend?

Published: Tue, 06/20/17

"This is my beloved, and this is my friend."
 — Song of Solomon 5:16
Last month, Jim and I visited some of the places we spent time at on our honeymoon almost 35 years ago!  Back then, we drove from Ontario, through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and as far south as Washington, DC.   This time, we spent several days in Virginia to visit friends too!  
As we crossed the state line from Maryland to Virginia, we noticed the state welcome sign that read, “Virginia is for Lovers”!  Jim and I commented to one another “How appropriate for us to spend time visiting Virginia!” 
I can’t help but smile when I think about Jim and I as lovers. Being lovers means we are in love with each other and have a sexual and romantic relationship together.  We desire one another!

Unfortunately, "having a lover" often suggests an affair. This is tragic! Be intentional about loving your spouse to prevent any other person coming between the two of you.

Let's cultivate friendship, romance, and intimacy in our marriages. Our spouses are our best friends who we share our deepest secrets and do life with. When you and I value our spouses for the gifts they are, our marriages will thrive.

We aren't just roommates but lovers for life!
 “Ladies, your husband is much more
than your partner and provider. 
He is your lover! ​​​​​​​”
“Men, the woman you married
may be the mother of your children
and a wonderful homemaker,
but she is your lover! ” 
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