We love Summer, but...

Published: Wed, 08/16/17

We love Summer, but Autumn's coming!
Jim and I are enjoying a few days in Ontario’s “cottage country”.  The view from our cottage is beautiful and peaceful!  Summer is a wonderful season for fun, rest, and relaxation. 
Meanwhile, families are preparing for “back to school” season, which will be here in just a few weeks! Daily schedules will be totally revamped as parents organize driving kids to school, sports games, and music lessons.  Autumn is the season that gets us back into routines!

A marriage relationship has “changing seasons” too that we must prepare to make adjustments for. We can’t expect our marriages to run on “auto-pilot” or be unaware of the changes and tweaking necessary to keep our marriage on course. 

Consider how some of these “seasons of life” impact a marriage:
-health concerns                                -kids with extra-curricular activities
-birth of a child                                 -having teenagers
-change or loss of job                        -being tight on finances
-moving to a new city                        -promotion at work
-having several preschool children     -vacation or travel
Without an awareness of how life’s “seasons” affect our marriage, we could be headed toward conflict!  Communication with our spouse about what is happening in our lives will help us navigate life so that our marriage relationship stays healthy.  Assuming that our marriage won’t be impacted by the seasons of life could lead to trouble.

For example, couples blessed with the birth of a child must communicate about the impact of a new baby on their marriage. Challenges might come, such as: 

            -lack of sleep causing exhaustion
            -inability to have sex until wife recovers from childbirth
            -difficulty in finding time for date nights

These are important topics for a couple to talk about prior to the “new baby” season! 

Whatever “season” you are going through, talk to your spouse about how the life event might impact your relationship and what steps you’ll take to reduce any impact.  That is how your marriage will continue to thrive through every season!
The Intimate Couple's Handbook
You know, over the past 10 years of TheIntimateCouple.com, we have seen thousands and thousands of people come through the website, leaving hundreds of comments and questions. Countless couples have been impacted by the message and story of true intimacy!

We're hoping you'll celebrate with us next month, as we release our newest book: The Intimate Couple's Handbook.

This book will be the heart of our message - everything every intimate couple (or aspiring intimate couple) needs to know to create their Dream Marriage. We'll keep you updated over the next month or so. In the meantime,  be sure to check us out on Facebook. We've got lots of exciting things coming down the pipe!