Jodi @ Your Thrive Life

Tips, recipes, reviews, and sale information from Jodi Weiss for her Thrive Life customers

Veggie Beef Stew Meal-in-a-Jar Recipe

Published: Tue, 01/09/18

Hi from Jodi and Julie!We hope you all had a great holiday and are ready to rock and roll the new year! One of my big goals this year is to do a…

Join Us for a Free Cooking Show

Published: Mon, 10/23/17

JOIN US FOR A FREE COOKING SHOW! If you've followed our blog for any amount of time, you know that we recommend Thrive Life foods as high quality,…

New Thrive Life Products

Published: Wed, 10/04/17

Hi from Jodi and Julie @ We wanted to send you a quick email with new October products and SPECIALS from Thrive Life. We are most…

Last chance for May goodies

Published: Tue, 05/30/17

Hi from Jodi and Julie! We wanted to send just a few quick reminders as the end of May is approaching. It's been a busy and fun holiday weekend around…

Thrivin' In Our Kitchens

Published: Sat, 05/20/17

Hi from Jodi and Julie! Today we wanted to share a fun feature we've been doing on our Thrive blog lately called Thrivin' In Our Kitchen. We take some…

You're Invited !!!

Published: Mon, 04/17/17

We wanted to invite you to a special event JUST for our Utah readers! We will be hosting a free taste test of almost ALL the Thrive Foods in the…

Only a few days left ...

Published: Tue, 03/28/17

Hi from Jodi and Julie! You're receiving this email because you have purchased Thrive Life products through our blog links or have requested to be on…

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