september update: west coast wildfires, etc (rant)

Published: Thu, 09/17/20


By now you've likely heard that the west coast is burning and while we are used to having a "fire season" this time of year before the rains come in Oregon this one is unprecedented.

I've personally lived here nearly 30 years and this is the closest fires have come to me. A number of friends have been evacuated from their homes no knowing if they will have a place to come home to (I'm very grateful all I've experienced where I am is very bad smoke).

My heart goes out to everyone more directly impacted by these fires.

And while we are used to this 'season' having some fires this one is not following the norm.

You see we have serious fire fighters here. I have some friends that are part of these fire crews and I've run into one of these crews in the wilderness once while backpacking, they are hardcore.

The crew I ran into had literally just parachuted in with all their gear; chainsaws, water, etc. And they monitor these forests for these fires like crazy this time of year.

So these people had literally just parachuted in and had already put out this fire and were now hiking down with all this gear to a clearing where they could get air-lifted out.

The point is that they are not messing around and they come in from Idaho, Colorado, etc. It's a very organized effort and they get things done fast.

Now I'm not going to jump right into DEW (directed energy weapons) as the cause but I've seen some of the video documentation on this and do find it curious. But the fact that so many started in a matter of days and blew up with all these irregular wind patterns is very odd.

Look I've also been very involved in windsports these last few years and the wind we experienced last week was not normal.

Whatever is the cause of this I don't feel it's natural - not now as this whole collapsed economy is trying to reopen and lots of us are trying to stand up to the tyranny that's been the result of covid.

So I find it rather convenient for the opposition that want us to wear masks all the time that now it's basically unsafe to go outside without an actual respirator and now it's "normal" to see people walking around in the grocery store with one on.

So whether it's DEW, antifa arsonists paid off by people that continue to gain profits from a destroyed economy or some combination of other nefarious counterparts - something is wrong with this picture.

With some exposure to ionospheric and lower atmospheric electromagnetic weapons technology and weather modification in my studies from the last couple decades; if that technology is being used it would not surprise me.

And incidentally they don't need satellites to do it - ground based HAARP systems are even mounted on ships these days so they can take it wherever they want.

Would you like to see me do a video on this? If so do you have any ideas on people you'd like me to interview on this subject? 

A few months ago on one of the youtube videos I uploaded my prediction was that a combination of bad air pollution and cumulative electromagnetic exposure could elicit symptoms akin to the new covid syndrome..

You see a virus is an easy scapegoat - blame a virus that no one can see and all the environmental polluters can continue their crimes with no recourse.

Add to this a bogus testing procedure based on PCR which is literally just a profit play (someone makes money even on the "free" test kits) and you seal the deception.

Since the general public blindly accepts the concept that there's a "new sickness - it must be a virus" pollution and environmental exposure is ignored.

Well in case it's not obvious by now we can no longer ignore environmental exposure - here on the west coast it's staring us in the face, just like it should have stared in the faces of those in Wuhan even years ago.

See in Wuhan and surrounding cities they reached levels of air pollution in a similar range as we have here just from a different cause.

I'm also grateful that I just got one of these yesterday to help improve my indoor air quality so I can continue to serve you as we await the rainy season which will put out these fires.

Also note that I have a number of new things - some of which you may have heard me discuss already but then no official announcements.

Truth is that I've been a bit busy and rather understaffed at the moment and my number one commitment is serving our customers (getting orders shipped quickly, product support, etc.).

That being said soon you should be hearing about a few more new items we'll be launching in addition to this new one I just mentioned.

That's it for today's rant - thanks for reading this far!

Anyway, I hope you are in a place that is safe from fires and other environmental drama and having a peaceful autumn season.

Best of Health,

BTW - I recently saw a film on netflix that you might want to check out - it's called "The Social Dilemma" and it's especially important if you have young kids or just like to be informed. If you check it out let me know what you think of it. I promise I won't ever recommend films that will be a waste of your time.

Here's where you can subscribe to my channels:

Youtube - HealthHarmonic:

Youtube - KnowingTheTruth:

Bitchute - KnowingTheTruth:


Here are my latest important links:

Medical Grade Air Purification (our newest product)
(btw - I'm still working on the shipping quote tables so call me if you want a better shipping quote)

Do Masks Really Work?

Full Story of the Profiteering of Coro navirus:

Internet Influence Operations and the Rise of Covert Disinformation Campaigns

Doctors Risking Their Careers To Share The Truth:
Best Dr Zach Bush Interview (actually two) you probably haven't seen these:

New Pod Style Air Tube Headset for Mobile Phone Radiation Protection:

Overdiagnosis in PCR & Covid Testing:

Bio-Terrain vs the latest Microbe:

Comprehensive Report on Bill Gates’ Global Health Agenda

7.83 Hz High Energy Bracelet EMF Protection w/Live Blood Cell Analysis Efficacy:

Latest 5G Protection From Germany for Your Home:
(back in stock in Germany now and shipping directly - contact me to order)

Check out$/invite/8HaepcNCkZ4H9SU79TGTvUWwPDMoUtJE

Exosomes vs Viruses: Scientific Theories Explained Webstore:

Send from my wired internet connection. No WiFi needed remember the old days? I'm still sentimental and trying to keep it alive - let's fight against 5G!

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By law you should consider any links on my emails as commercially oriented even though my goal is to provide value to you. If you purchase a product on any pages that I link to I may or may not receive compensation but you won't ever see me recommend anything that I don't use myself. I don't take pharmaceutical drugs so I don't have that sort of bias which taints much of medical literature.