Collaborative Special Education Advocacy

Tips and strategies to get the education your child with disabilities deserves.

Disabled by Society

Published: Tue, 02/22/22

"We moved around a lot, and my parents did not ever have me in the special education system. I got through college, at about 19. And the ne t year…

Disability is injustice, not tragedy...

Published: Tue, 02/15/22

Cal Montgomery is an activist, writer, and speaker focusing on disability issues. If you don't know Cal Montgomery, you'll want to meet him. His…

What Would Houdini Do?

Published: Fri, 02/04/22

Recently, our two guests, Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift shared their own stories of life and the importance of ensuring our children are given…

Skills Aren't Prerequisites to Inclusion

Published: Wed, 02/02/22

Too many students have a carrot of belonging dangled in front of them... they hear the teachers talking and deciding they aren't ready to be…

A Credo For Support

Published: Wed, 01/26/22

If you've seen the powerful documentary film, A Credo For Support once, chances are you've chosen to see it many times. As a film that pulls you in…

Do you want some advocacy gold nuggets?

Published: Fri, 01/21/22

Well, I may not be able to put gold nuggets in your back pocket... I could put the U.S. Department of Education in your back pocket... in the way of…

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