Advanced Health- Natural Health Center

Weekly newsletters, sales, and more from Advanced Health Natural Health Improvement Center.

Could you benefit from cold therapy?

Published: Wed, 02/08/23

Cold therapy, also known as cold plunging, is a practice in which the body is e posed to cold temperatures in order to stimulate blood flow and reduce…

Book Recommendation of the Month

Published: Fri, 02/03/23

Before we get started, the answer is no, I'm not starting a book club, but people ask me where I learn some of the things I do. It's a mi of many…

Benefits of nose breathing

Published: Wed, 01/25/23

Numerous significant health advantages of nose breathing are frequently disregarded. The ethmoid sinus' role in nasal breathing is one of the main…

NEW to Advanced Health... Halo Therapy

Published: Wed, 08/31/22

Advanced Health is e cited to offer a new and unique therapy available right here at our Clinic in Rhinelander. Halo Therapy session are $10 - Call us…

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