Holistic Interior Design

Tips on holistic interior design, feng shui and other cool sustainable living stuff for a better, happier, healthier life.

Holistic Designs - September Updates

Published: Wed, 09/30/20

embracing the change If a year was tucked inside a clock, then Autumn would be the magic hour. ~Victoria Erikson Magic. We all have magic inside of…

Holistic Designs - August Updates

Published: Thu, 08/13/20

summer lovin' Sunshine is on my mind. Or maybe I should say, sunshine is roasting on my body. Despite that fact that almost every summer as far as I…

Better Home = Better Life. But HOW?

Published: Fri, 07/03/20

feng shui renovations After our enforced time in our homes and the shrinking of our worlds to our immediate environment, our perspectives have been…

Holistic Designs News- June 2020

Published: Mon, 06/22/20

Sunny Days of Summer.... This past weekend we celebrated both the Summer Solstice, the beginning of summer and the longest day of the year, as well…

Holistic Designs News- May 2020

Published: Fri, 05/22/20

In Memory of.... Memorial Day is a day in which we honor those that have died to allow us to live ours freely and with peace. It is a holiday of…

Holistic Designs News- April 2020

Published: Thu, 04/16/20

This too will pass... Last I wrote an update was in January when winter was in full swing. It was during the sweetness of these cold nights that a…

Holistic Design Updates- January 2020

Published: Mon, 01/27/20

january's surprizes Life isn't so much about finding yourself as it is about creating yourself. January and winter is always the beginning of a second…

New Year New Website & Blog

Published: Fri, 01/24/20

The Rat Year Brings some changes... Check out our new look for our website and blog... Redesigned to simplify, clarify and magnify the true essence of…

Holistic Design Updates- December 2019

Published: Mon, 12/23/19

december gifts My gift this year was not something under the tree, or something that can be unwrapped. It was something more personal and life…

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