Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Learn about sustainable living at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage and make a difference in your own life.

can you read this before dinner?

Published: Fri, 12/31/21

I don't want to be late for dinner in Ironweed kitchen, but I had to send one more quick email. I just checked our fundraising progress and it doesn't…

URGENT: Less Than 24 Hours

Published: Fri, 12/31/21

Friends making cob by hand (and foot!) Dear, As 2021 comes to a close, we a sk for your support in reaching our fundraising goal. Please chip in…

Only 2 days left - Have You Taken Action?

Published: Thu, 12/30/21

Dan in the gardens. Dear, It’s a few days before the end of 2021 and we ask that you help us cross the finish line and match all $4,000 of our board…

4 Days Left to Double Your Impact

Published: Tue, 12/28/21

Danielle and Althea with a piglet. Dear, If you’ve been paying attention this year, you’ve seen many major climate catastrophes. From the king tides…

URGENT ALERT: Double Your Support

Published: Thu, 12/23/21

Our board members and board liaison during the 2021 on-farm board meeting. Greetings friends, Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is proud to announce that our…

Community Gifts: A Dancing Rabbit Update

Published: Tue, 12/21/21

Community Gifts: A Dancing Rabbit Update Rabbits Graham, Brumby, and Althea, along with guest Ryn, push round hay bales off a truck bed. The hay will…

Thank you, !

Published: Wed, 12/01/21

Dear, Thank you for supporting Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage on Giving Tuesday 2021! Your belief in our mission means the world to us. Thanks to your…

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