For Cross Country Coaches and Athletes ONLY

Published: Wed, 08/24/11 Success in Track & Field ... and Life
Greetings / Salve, 
If you enjoyed the 800 meter training videos with Scott Christensen last February, you’ll be glad to know he has released a video series for preparing the Elite Junior Cross Country Runner.  Like the 800 meter videos, he uses solid proven scientific principles and relates them to your team.

Scott was the USATF Level II Lead Instructor for Distance running for over 14 years.  This video series is aimed at athletes with some distance running and competition background, though beginner athletes will also benefit from the program down the road.

The 4 videos are broken down into these topics:

  • Part I: The Aerobic Cross Country Training Model for the Summer and Fall
  • Part II: The Application of Speed and Strength Training to the Training Model
  • Part III: The Influence of the Peaking Period
  • Part IV: Psychological Issues, Inventories and Motivation
If you coach Cross Country, you know you must have your athletes run “summer miles” as well as the Fall season when they return to school.

Developing an aerobic base is fundamental to long term success for distance runners, so it’s important that you understand why your athletes’ success requires them running so many miles.  And that includes recovery miles, tempo miles, and the long run.

And like sprint training, where you should do acceleration development from Week 1, you should must start Anaerobic training as soon as the semester starts.  Scott explains why in detail.

When it comes to peaking, Coaches know they have a magic workout in their program to give their athletes as a indicator of success based on performance.  It’s also a psychological boost for the athlete. The video gives specific details on EXACTLY when you must run the most important workout of the season.

Coaching is both a Science and an Art, and it’s great to see Scott discuss the interesting psychological and motivational issues we all face as coaches.  I know I have my fair share of head cases!

The program normally costs $97 but is on sale until Friday midnight (August 26, 2011) for only $47.

>> Click here for Scott Christensen's "Preparation of the Elite Junior Cross Country Runner"

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