Keep the Tail Wagging®

This list is for readers who are brand new to raw feeding.

Have you seen "Random Question Wednesday!"?

Published: Tue, 01/15/19

Hi Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete my reader survey. As promised, I plan to giveaway a $100 Amazon gift card to the winner of a…

Is it Okay to Feed a Partial Raw Diet?

Published: Tue, 12/11/18

Hi I recently received an email from someone who wants to feed raw, but isn't ready to switch their dog to a full raw diet. So, what to do... Hybrid…

Choosing the Right Supplements for Your Dog

Published: Tue, 12/04/18

Hi When I started feeding a raw diet, I added every supplement I was told to add by strangers in raw feeding groups. That was a big, e pensive…

3 Friendly Raw Feeding Groups

Published: Tue, 11/27/18

Hi When I began feeding my dogs a raw food diet, I joined and left (or was kicked out) of so many raw feeding groups that it became discouraging.

New Discounts Page with Black Friday Deals

Published: Tue, 11/20/18

Hi Happy Tuesday and Thanksgiving Week!!! I am so thankful for an opportunity to share my e periences as a raw feeder with so many people. My blog has…

Sourcing for Raw Feeding

Published: Tue, 11/13/18

Hi Nearly a year after I started feeding a raw food diet, I nearly quit because it became too e pensive. I was feeding premade raw and we were raising…

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