The Write Idea

Be willing to DIG ⛏️ for great content

Published: Thu, 06/27/24

Or just be lazy for mediocre Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, I have a story to tell you. It illustrates why it pays to dig deep…

"You're a bot." (And that's not a compliment)

Published: Thu, 06/13/24

Updated: Thu, 06/13/24

On our changing language Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, Being a lover of words, I'm always curious when I discover the ways our…

🤔 Want greater confidence? Do this ONE thing

Published: Wed, 06/05/24

Updated: Wed, 06/05/24

From $80K to $250K, just like that Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, Have you ever felt stuck? Afraid of moving forward? Or just…

The f-word that will transform your content

Published: Tue, 05/28/24

Updated: Tue, 05/28/24

It's okay—this message IS safe for work :) Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, When people talk about content marketing, certain words…

A different kind of FOMO: What if they say no?

Published: Tue, 05/21/24

Updated: Tue, 05/21/24

The fear of making offers Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, You're familiar with FOMO, right? It's the Fear of Missing Out. FOMO…

Is there a smell in your sell?

Published: Thu, 05/16/24

Updated: Thu, 05/16/24

You don't have to sell ice to Eskimos... Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, When I first started working as a freelancer, I'd troll…

People who download THESE content types buy

Published: Tue, 05/14/24

Updated: Tue, 05/14/24

Send this, not that! Not showing correctly? Read on the web. Hey friend, I was just checking out a report on the types of content people are…

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