Pressure Point Marketing

MLM Science Newsletter

Buried Alive

Published: Sun, 03/04/12

Okay okay... I admit it.. I'm in over my head... I was anticipating about 10 applications and it turned into over 50 in like 2 days.. ummmm.. I'm a…

My Wife's Feet Are Sore...

Published: Fri, 03/02/12

So one of the things I do with my wife is I generally sit on the couch ne t to her and I listen to a webinar and massage her feet. I mean that's the…

About today's Email and being "Tired"

Published: Thu, 03/01/12

Oh No.... So I sent the email below to a lot of people... I figure I get like 2-3 people who are ready to take their business income to the ne t level…

Tired? Here Are Some Results To See

Published: Thu, 03/01/12

Hi, I stayed up to 2am last night and woke up at 5:30am to get to work... yeah.. still part time but that's okay.. I don't work for the money…

I Left My Job...

Published: Mon, 02/27/12

Hi, Look... People like numbers. People Like Proof. I'm about to eat some crow for doing this but it has to be done. I didn't actually leave…

Day 3 -Mystical Magical Key To Success

Published: Mon, 02/13/12

Hi, How to create Viral Sustainability and have your content shared everywhere by others. Get more readers.... Get more shares.... Get more leads....

Day 2 - Marketing Kung Fu… (video)

Published: Sat, 02/11/12

Hi, Click HERE for "Internet Kung Fu" Power In just 3 months... don't help people get money like this Get results like this: And get traffic…

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