Center for Social Leadership

Center for Social Leadership

Spy On Me?! by Oliver DeMille

Published: Wed, 06/26/13

Social Leader Weekly Spy On Me?! by Oliver DeMille I am really angry. Upset. Surprised. Shocked. Mainly angry. I have been studying history, freedom,…

Newsflash: It's Not the Government's Fault

Published: Thu, 06/20/13

I believe in freedom. I love America and the Constitution -- our God-inspired e periment that resulted in the freest, strongest, most prosperous…

The Silver Lining in the Obama Scandals

Published: Wed, 06/12/13

Social Leader Weekly The Silver Lining in the Obama Scandals by Oliver DeMille It's starting to seem like it was the Obama Administration that made…

Ever Wondered How to Save the Constitution?

Published: Tue, 06/11/13

You read the headlines. You watch in dismay as politicians trample the Constitution, squander our money, spoil our heritage. You wonder if it's too…

A Tribute to the American Dream(ers)

Published: Wed, 06/05/13

Social Leader Weekly A Tribute to the American Dream(ers) by Stephen Palmer The American Dream, though dimmed by bad laws and bad news, is still…

The Event of the Obama Era

Published: Mon, 06/03/13

For the past century, concerned citizens have watched in distress as the Constitution has been eroded, one crippling amendment, one misguided policy…

Why America is in Decline

Published: Wed, 05/29/13

Social Leader Weekly Why America is in Decline by Oliver DeMille People often compare America's decline with the fall of Rome or the Ottoman Empire.

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