Bud Winter's "Rocket Sprint Start" now Available!

Published: Wed, 11/30/11

SpeedEndurance.com Success in Track & Field ... and Life

In this issue:

  • Bud Winter’s Rocket Sprint Start now available!
  • Soccer (Football) Try-outs for Italian and European Professional League
  • Best of November 2011

The Rocket Sprint Start

In 1964, Bud Winter published the book The Rocket Sprint Start based on Armin Hary of Germany 100 meter victory at the 1960 Olympic Games.

If you’ve seen the vintage footage, you will agree on two facts: (1) he was one of the fastest starters of all time, and (2) his pickup in the first 20 yards was amazing.

What did he do differently?

A careful film analysis of Armin Hary’s form, taken from slow motion pictures, revealed seven ways in which his form differed from the rest of the sprinters. In each case they were all a definite contribution toward faster block clearance and faster pickup.

>> Click here for the The Rocket Sprint Start

Bud Winter pioneered modern Track and Field, while creating the “Science of Sprinting” with his thorough, step by step detailed analysis and scientific studies.

Almost 50 years later, The Rocket Sprint Start book has been revised for the new millennium.

The new edition is broken down in 3 parts:

  • The original book printed in 1964
  • A modern example of today’s Sprint Start, updated by myself
  • Comparison to the 1960 Rocket Sprint Start to the Jamaican sprinters of 2008

In my section, Part 2, I discuss:

  • Quick Overview of Starting Block Techniques
  • 5 Phases of the 100 meter Sprint
  • Different Types of Blocks
  • Setting up your Blocks
  • Getting into your blocks – The Routine
  • The “On Your Marks” Position
  • The “Set” Position
  • Gun and Reaction Time
  • Drive phase and the 1st step (clearance)

Like So You Want to be a Sprinter, this 78 page book is available in two formats, a perfect bound spine and the spiral bound “Coach’s Edition”.

The regular price is $21.95, but on sale for $19.95 for SpeedEndurance.com readers until Friday December 9th.

This book also makes a great Christmas present for any coach or athlete. Why pay hundreds of dollars for the original rare book at eBay?

>> Click here for the The Rocket Sprint Start

Soccer (Football) Try-out in Italy

If you know an aspiring soccer player aged 16-18 who wants to play professionally in Italy and Europe, here are the details for the upcoming try-out camp on February 5-10, 2012.

>> Click here for the information package

Best of November 2011

As always, here are the best articles for November 2011.

Jimson Lee

Speed Training Tips: The Drills
2011-11-01 04:00:00-04

This is part 2 of the series on Speed Training Tips.  Part 1 discussed choosing to train your strength or weakness.  Truth be told, you need to work on acceleration development at some point, and not 10×200 hard until butt-lock. Here are some examples of the drills we do.  Feel free to copy them and implement [...]

IAAF Track and Field Rules [2012]
2011-11-07 03:00:00-05

I wrote about the possibility of the IAAF changing their Track and Field Rules for 2012 because of the Usain Bolt DQ in Daegu. Nope. Zilch. Nada. It’s not going to happen. Here is the current Track and Field Rules for 2012, in English.  Click here for the 284 pages, 3MB PDF file.  Everyone should read this, as you have [...]

Dynamic Isometrics & Sprinting: Explosive Strength Training (Part 6)
2011-11-08 03:47:00-05

This is Part 6 in the series titled Plyometrics, Ground Contact Time, and Sprinting. Part 1 Plyometrics, Ground Contact Time, and Sprinting was simply to demonstrate the faster the movement, the shorter the ground contact time. Part 2 covered How to Weight Train without Weights and it focused on speed strength. Part 3 was Driving Resistance Band [...]

Interview with Glen Mills (New)
2011-11-09 04:00:00-05

Track Alerts had a great interview with Glen Mills, in case you missed it. There’s aren’t any secrets here, but the best part of the Q&A was “the last word” on Mills on the state of the sport.  Canada and the USA aren’t the only ones having problems keeping and retaining young elite athletes and the [...]

How to Write a Sprint Training Program or Annual Plan
2011-11-10 04:00:00-05

I did a 10 minute video on How to Write a Sprint Program in 5 easy steps.  Normally this is an hour long lecture, but this is a quick summary to get you started. Scroll below to get to the video on YouTube. Here is the presentation in PowerPoint with the transcript of the slides on AuthorStream.  [...]

How to Run Faster
2011-11-15 03:15:00-05

A young sprinter asked me how to get faster at a recent function.  Well, I replied if he had 3 hours to spare.  He looked confused, as this article is the result of our conversation.  It’s a long read (almost 2000 words), so I suggest you grab a drink and have a seat. This is a [...]

How to Break 50 seconds for the 400 meters
2011-11-17 04:10:00-05

I did a 10 minute video on How to Break 50 seconds for the 400 meters. Scroll below to get to the video on YouTube. Here is the presentation in PowerPoint with the transcript of the 9 slides on AuthorStream.  You can also download the PPT or Video file (MP4 version) from that link as well. Here [...]

How to Run Faster (with your Arms)
2011-11-21 04:50:00-05

I never get tired listening to Tom Tellez, Clyde Hart, John Smith, Dan Pfaff or Loren Seagrave. Sure, they may be old school USATF material, but I always, and I mean always, come out with several new ideas and a few “a-ha” moments. I’ve watched hundreds of hours of film, both elite sprinters as well [...]

Wind Assistance: Do Illegal Tailwinds help Sprinters?
2011-11-22 08:00:00-05

This article discusses wind assistance for the short sprints and horizontal jumps.  This article will not discuss excessive wind assistance for the hurdles, as that’s another story with stride and step patterns. You’ve all seen the dreaded +2.1 on the race results which nullifies any attempts for record purposes (or achieving standards).  I know I [...]

Electrical Muscle Stimulation Benefits (EMS or NMES)
2011-11-23 11:20:00-05

When someone takes a good thing too far, it gives it a bad rap. I am talking about Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS), also known as Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES), or simply “electromyostimulation”. This should not be confused with TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) which is common in the use of electric current for pain therapy, [...]

Free Sprint Training Videos for Coaches
2011-11-24 11:00:00-05

Here are two great videos for coaching sprinting as well as understanding sprinting. John Pryor is a Biomechanist and Strength & Conditioning coach in Australia.  Primarily his focus is in International Rugby, but his passion is speed (like most of us).  How to get faster is the Holy Grail for all strength, power and speed [...]

7 Tips for Track and Field Spikes
2011-11-27 17:00:00-05

Here are my top 7 tips for your Track spikes Don’t leave them in your spike bag Dip the spike pins in 10W30 oil before inserting Carry extra pairs with different spike lengths and types Carry a pair of pliers 200m specialists pin placements Differences in spike plates Choosing pins and needles Take them out [...]

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