The Tarot School

Tarot School news, tips and updates

Tarot Tips: Our 27th Birthday Issue!

Published: Tue, 02/01/22

"When I chose to represent the number 27 with tarot cards.." You're receiving this email because you e pressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE…

Tarot Tips: 2022 New Year's Edition

Published: Sat, 01/01/22

"Happy New Year! It's hard to believe that we have entered.." You're receiving this email because you e pressed interest in The Tarot School. PLEASE…

The 2022 Readers Studio is Cancelled

Published: Fri, 08/13/21

Due to a couple of important factors, we share the sad news... Dear Tarot Enthusiast, As you may know, the 2020 Readers Studio was sold out but we had…

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