Victor Conte, Lashawn Merritt & Dwain Chambers on SpeedEndurance?

Published: Wed, 02/29/12 Success in Track & Field ... and Life

In this issue:

  • How to do starts from any position (2, 3 and 4 point starts) for all sports

  • Guest appearances from Victor Conte, Lashawn Merritt, and Dwain Chambers!

  • Best of February 2012

How to do Starts… from any position (2, 3 and 4 point starts) for all sports

When I wrote and updated Bud Winter’s The Rocket Sprint Start, it was only for starting blocks. I didn’t cover the 800m crouch start, nor did I talk about football’s 3-point 40 yard dash.

At track practice, we don’t always use blocks in time trials. We use “falling or rolling starts” or a 2 point “pike start” and start timing on first movement.

If you are looking for an all-in-one program that discusses ALL TYPES of starts, then you’ll enjoy Start Mechanics and Training Applications by Derek Hansen. Despite the bad weather, Derek and I had a track team back when I was in Vancouver and produced one Olympian in Bobsled (Steve Larsen) and one Commonwealth Games bronze medalist in the 4x100m (Nathan Taylor). Derek is also the Head Strength & Conditioning coach at SFU (BC) so he knows his stuff when it comes to and all varsity sports.

The video discusses (1) Free form starts of all variations: 2,3,4 point and falling starts (2) Medicine Ball explosive starts (3) Resisted Starts and (4) Obstacle starts.

Get 10% off until Sunday March 4th. The video is sold as a physical DVD plus an online/download version for computers and mobile devices.

>> Click Here for Start Mechanics and Training Applications


Guest appearances from Victor Conte, Lashawn Merritt, and Dwain Chambers

This past month featured some controversial figures because of their past history. I personally believe in second chances because those are the rules… the same rules that suspended them in the first place!

So without further discrimination, here are the usual suspects, with links to my Blog:

I had the chance to interview Lashawn Merritt prior to his Millrose Games 500m.

>>  Click here for LaShawn Merritt on Training, Race Strategy, and WR

I discussed the famous Asafa Powell and Usain Bolt toe-drag starting block technique, and using Dwain Chambers as a prime example. I must note that his Coach Stu McMillan does not endorse it, and that it’s actually a “fault” not a “feature”.

>>  Click here for Dwain Chambers “Jamaican” Toe-scrape Foot Drag

Lastly, I weighed in on Victor Conte on legal performance enhancing supplements, with a detailed look at his latest invention, PED. Also, If you are a male over 50 years old, be sure to read my article on testosterone, where I mentioned “the cream”. It also mentions 2 ways to naturally raise your testosterone and HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

>>  Click here for The Science Behind SNAC’s PED, and Why it Works

>>  Click here for Testosterone Creams & Gels


Best of February 2012

As always, here are the best articles for February 2012.

The countdown to London 2102 has begun. Enjoy!

Jimson Lee

400 meters: Comparing Senior, Junior & Youth Results
2012-02-01 04:00:00-05

Thanks to Steve P for pointing this out. The chart below shows the 2011 IAAF A & B standards, and the number of male and female, Junior and Youth athletes who made either standards. What does this tell us about the 400 meters? First, note how the men’s 400m standard is doubled best 200m time [...]

What is the Indoor 500m WR?
2012-02-06 04:05:00-05

LaShawn Merrit will be running the 500 meters at the new and improved Millrose Games.  The meet will be held at the NYC Armory, which offers a fast 200m banked track, opposed to the Madison Square Garden 11 laps to the mile (145 meters) wooden boards! Can he break the world record? What is the [...]

Strengthen your Hip Flexors
2012-02-07 04:00:00-05

This is part 4 of the article How to Run Faster… at any Age as we start going into Technical Competency and Sprinting Efficiency.  Part 2 talked about the importance of coordination.  Part 3 talked about Hip Height and Sprinting. I would classify training the hip flexors more of a strength endurance exercise. In short, [...]

The Secret to Sprinting is to Relax (and Win)
2012-02-09 04:00:00-05

Here is a drill. Hold a paper tube in your mouth with your teeth, then sprint 100 meters. After the run, inspect the paper tube. Those who had no teeth marks  on the tube were considered sprinters. Those with teeth marks were simply considered runners. Thus, the main quality to sprinting is the ability to [...]

The Top 5 Supplements to Take (Updated 2012 Version)
2012-02-10 08:42:00-05

One was of my very first Blog post written 5 years ago was titled The Top 5 Supplements to Take (or top 3 if you are on a budget). OTC (over-the-counter) supplements for athletes come in 3 different categories: (1) for health reasons, (2) for recovery, and (3) performance.  There’s a 4th category, and that’s [...]

Was it a False Start? Marvin Bracy 55m 6.08 Video
2012-02-15 04:00:00-05

Let’s face it, 55 meters is an odd distance. So when high school sprinter/football player Marvin Bracy ran 6.08 for 55 meters, a lot of people just took it as a new High School National Record.  And they should! How fast is that? “Rocket” Raghib Ismail (another sprinter/football) of Notre Dame University ran 6.07 for [...]

Hip Height and Hand positions in Blocks (Lerone Clarke vs Christophe Lemaitre)
2012-02-21 04:00:00-05

One of the most common mistakes sprinters make is not coming high enough in the SET position. The indoor 60 meters in Lievin showed a good example on contesting the differences. There are 2 factors here.  One is the height of the athlete.  The second is the length of arms.  I have unusually long arms [...]

The Interference Effect: Can you Train Strength and Endurance Concurrently?
2012-02-23 04:00:00-05

Should Decathletes run 7 miles on Sunday morning just to improve their 1500m time? Can you train both short-to-long and long-to-short at the same time? Can you train for strength AND train for endurance, for example, the STREND event?  (i.e. 5 weight events followed by a 5k/3 mile run?) And don’t get me started on [...]

Jeshua Anderson Training Talk [INTERVIEW]
2012-02-23 16:30:00-05

400m hurdler Jeshua Anderson is a 3 Time NCAA Champion from Washington State University.  He is also the 2011 US Outdoor Champ where he defeated Bershawn Jackson in a close 3 way finish.  You can watch the race here on YouTube. On our Skype call, we talked about his past Millrose performance at 500 meters, [...]

Clyde Hart Training: The Complete Series
2012-02-27 07:20:00-05

If you are a Clyde Hart fan, you’ll be interested in his 4 set series on Sprint Training and Relays covering 6 DVDs. I’ve seen Clyde in person at several conferences, and the room is always silent with his stories and examples when he talks about his training methods. Clyde Hart’s resume at the NCAA [...]

Dynamic Warm-up, Static Stretching and Post-activation Potentiation [PODCAST]
2012-02-28 06:00:00-05

I have an expression for myself and my athletes. “Do whatever you have to do to get ready for your race”. When that gun goes off, you want both muscle and nerve fibers ready to fire at 100%. So in terms of a timeline, the activity before the race is called a “warm up”.  Afterwards, [...]

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