Matthew Cicoria

Updates about the Behavioral Observations Podcast or the blog

More Session 14 information

Published: Tue, 11/01/16

Hi You may already be aware that Session 14, my interview with Dr. Mark Di on, was published yesterday morning. As I mentioned in the previous email,…

Session 14 Sneak Peek!

Published: Fri, 10/28/16

Hi TGIF, right?I don't know about you, but it's been a long week for me, not only with the normal day to day stuff, but getting my kids ready for…

Greg Hanley Q & A is on!

Published: Fri, 10/21/16

Hi Greg Hanley will be returning to The Behavioral Observations Podcast for a Q & A show on all things Functional Analysis and Function-Based…

Another podcast milestone reached!

Published: Wed, 09/21/16

Hi Sometime during last night, The Behavioral Observations Podcast was downloaded for the 40 thousandth time! This has more than e ceeded my wildest e…

More Session 12 details

Published: Fri, 09/16/16

Hi Happy Friday!Just a quick note that Session 12, which features an in-depth interview with Dr. Mary Lynch Barbera,is now available. In this episode,…

Session 12 sneak peek

Published: Wed, 09/14/16

Hi I hope your week is off to a great start!In Session 12 of The Behavioral Observations Podcast, I am joined by best-selling author, Mary Lynch…

Session #11 sneak peek!

Published: Thu, 08/25/16

Hi I just wrapped up an awesome interview with Dr. Erin Rasmussen that I really think you'll enjoy. Erin is a not only a good friend of mine, but…

Ego and insurance....

Published: Thu, 08/18/16

Hi I hope you're having an awesome day. I have two quick things I'd like to share with you: First, many of you who took my recent survey voiced…

Session 10 details!

Published: Wed, 08/10/16

Hi I wanted to send a quick email out to a) say hello to new subscribers to the newsletter (hello!), b) talk about the upcoming session of the…

Survey time!

Published: Thu, 07/28/16

Hi I, along with my colleague Megan Miller, BCBA-D, am doing a little research on challenging issues that practitioners face, continuing education…

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