Black Power Productions

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Just Checkin Up on You...

Published: Sat, 03/21/20

How Are You ? Hoping all is well with you, it's been a long time since we've communicated. A lot has been goin' on around the world and I just wanted…

Just Checkin Up on You...

Published: Fri, 03/20/20

How Are You ? Hoping all is well with you, it's been a long time since we've communicated. A lot has been goin' on around the world and I just wanted…

Domestic Terrorism - Worse Than 9/11?

Published: Sun, 09/08/19

Greetings In a coupe of days you'll be hearing about 9/11 again. When is the last time you heard mainstream media mention this act of terrorism? Have…

Did You Hear? (We Have them Again)

Published: Wed, 09/04/19

Greetings We are E cited to announce we are again selling books. As you probably know, the company we used to get our books from was no longer around.

Spit Your Gum Out NOW

Published: Mon, 09/02/19

Greetings, Chewing Gum Chewing gum contains over 30 ingredients, which ar NOt listed on the label. FDA does Not require a list of ingredients. Many…

Announcing (We Have Books Again)

Published: Fri, 08/30/19

Black Power Productions Just In.... We are E cited to announce we are again selling books. As you probably know, the company we used to get our books…

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