Glass With a Past, LLC

Glass With a Past News

Float Glass Compatible Fusing Products

Published: Fri, 06/10/16

Featured Glass Tip About Float Glass Compatible ProductsHappily, it looks like the art glass companies and the DEQ have reached agreements about…

Fused Bottle Glass and Float Glass Tutorials

Published: Fri, 06/03/16

Featured Glass Tip About Bottle Glass and Float Glass TutorialsThe past few weeks have been full of upheaval and change in the art glass industry. I e…

Screen Printing on Float Glass Tutorial

Published: Wed, 05/18/16

Featured Glass Tip About Screen Printing on Float Glass TutorialIn our last newsletter, I told you how happy I was with this kit: Today I have the…

Screen Printing Kit Review

Published: Tue, 05/10/16

Featured Glass Tip About Screen Printing Kit ReviewWhile working on the large custom order we talked about in the last newsletter, I needed to learn…

Why Color Test Palettes are Important

Published: Thu, 04/28/16

Featured Glass Tip About The Importance of Color Palettes (or, test strips are your friend!) Recently, I received a request for a proposal for a…

Fusing with Natural Mica

Published: Fri, 04/22/16

Featured Glass Tip About Fusing with Natural (sheet) Mica I've been playing with different kinds of natural mica lately and doing tests to figure out…

Perfectly Flat Fused Bottles

Published: Fri, 04/15/16

Featured Glass Tip About Perfectly Flat Fused Bottles Typically when I fuse a bottle flat, it doesn't go completely flat, it looks more like this: If…

Frit Sizes for Glass Printing

Published: Fri, 04/08/16

Featured Glass Tip About Frit Sizes for Glass Printing Last week we talked about making custom stamps for glass printing. One question that a lot of…

Making Stamps for Glass Printing

Published: Fri, 03/25/16

Featured Glass Tip About Making Stamps for Glass Printing One of my favorite ways to add pattern and color to float glass is using stamps and frit. I…

Glass Toggle Clasp for Jewelry

Published: Fri, 03/18/16

Featured Glass Tip About Glass Toggle Clasp for Jewelry My new favorite way to finish off necklaces is with an all glass toggle clasp. This works…

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