Cephalofair Games

Updates from Cephalofair Games

Climbing the Mountain

Published: Mon, 02/22/16

Hey !How's it going? Oh, me, I'm still hard at work trying to get to the top of this Gloomhaven mountain. We've certainly come a long way with the…

Dominating the Skyline

Published: Mon, 12/07/15

Hey !I have torn myself away from the development of Gloomhaven to let you know what's been going on over here for the past couple months. I've had a…

A Cause for Celebration

Published: Mon, 10/05/15

Hey !Well, this last month has certainly been an event. If you weren't aware (and I'm pretty sure you were), Gloomhaven went live on Kickstarter a…

The Adventure Begins

Published: Wed, 09/02/15

Hey !I am so e cited to tell you that the Kickstarter for Gloomhaven is live!It went live just a few minutes ago, so I don't have much of a gauge for…

One Month Out

Published: Fri, 08/07/15

Hey !Well, GenCon has come and gone and the whole thing actually went much better than e pected, I think.In the weeks and days leading up to the…

The City of Gloomhaven

Published: Fri, 07/10/15

Hey !I know I promised you another letter about some of the historical background for Gloomhaven, so here it is!I've always loved the use of audio…

A Season for all Conventions

Published: Fri, 06/19/15

Hey !Convention season appears to be in full swing, which is both a wondrous and e hausting time for board game publishing. On the one hand,…

The Races of Gloomhaven

Published: Fri, 04/24/15

Hey !I know, this is weird. Two messages from me in the same week. Unprecedented.I just wanted to share with you an introduction to the races of…

A Changing and Shifting World

Published: Mon, 04/20/15

Hey !It feels as though it has been too long since my last letter – as though the entire world has changed and shifted in the intervening time. There…

The Arrival of Gloomhaven

Published: Thu, 03/05/15

Hey !For a couple months now I've been working on a 7-part series dedicated to the new game I'm designing. It's a tactical combat game with Euro…

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