Diesel Crew LLC

Diesel Crew Newsletter - Daily Strength Training Tips

8 Hours of Pure Madness

Published: Sun, 11/03/13

The sound of steel bars scraping against one another filled my ears all day yesterday. My wrists, shoulders, and core got the best workout yesterday…

10, 9, 8, 7.….GONE

Published: Fri, 10/18/13

I love writing to you each day and telling you about things I have learned about strength training to help you improve. Today is a bit different day.

[NEW] Throwback Thursday 2011

Published: Thu, 10/17/13

It is a GORGEOUS day here in Pennsylvania. Hopefully, the rain I heard about in the forecast stays away and I can hit my sled dragging workout later…

Does Grip Training Work for Arm Wrestling?

Published: Wed, 10/09/13

I am asked all the time about Arm Wrestling. People think that since I have these super-strong hands, I might also be good at arm wrestling. Well, in…

Build Your Back with These Mass Moves

Published: Tue, 10/08/13

If you really want to be strong, you NEED to work your back every bit as hard IF NOT HARDER than you work your chest and shoulders. And I've got…

I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt

Published: Thu, 09/19/13

Awesome story alert....! So I felt bad about ragging on my wife's Chevy Traverse yesterday, so I decided to point out one more good thing about it to…

call me a HILL-billy...

Published: Fri, 09/06/13

As anyone would know who has seen my vast collection of pro wrestling tapes, I have a bit of an obsessive personality. My latest obsession is the Ab…

Labor Day Special - Shipping is On Me

Published: Mon, 09/02/13

Happy Labor Day, I've got a special offer for you: Shipping is On Me You're probably planning a great day with your family and friends, if you have…

50 Years of Boxing (Tension in the Arms)

Published: Thu, 08/29/13

I absolutely love hearing from all of you about your training. Today I got a message from Clair Hardy from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He purchased one…

4 Days Later: Core's Still Sore

Published: Tue, 08/27/13

Boy have I got an n awesome drill for you today. My abs haven't been this sore from on single drill in years. This post shows you e actly how to do it…

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