Functional Strength

Functional Strength fitness updates


Published: Tue, 10/19/21

Hello from Functional Strength! We wanted to get a note out to everyone that our site is temporarily down due to changing hosting providers. It has…

Juggling Sprinting & Resistance Training

Published: Fri, 08/27/21

Hello from Functional Strength! Sprinting and strength training go together like ham and eggs, fish & chips or Mick and Keith. Speed and strength are…

King Squat! | A Signature Squat Technique

Published: Sat, 07/03/21

Hello from Functional Strength! The squat is a technically complicated bio-mechanical movement that offers a thousand opportunities to perform…

The Anabolic Effect of Food

Published: Fri, 06/18/21

Hello from Functional Strength! This week we have a nutrition update. With summertime finally here we are getting a lot of questions about stripping…

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