Diesel Crew LLC

Diesel Crew Newsletter - Daily Strength Training Tips

Benefits of Barefoot Training?

Published: Tue, 07/31/12

Diesels, In 2009, I kept reading about and seeing videos of people doing their strength training and even running on roads with bare feet. I gave it a…

Jedd is On the Road Again...

Published: Fri, 07/27/12

Diesels, I am on the road from yesterday until this coming Tuesday at the Fayette Fairgrounds in Dunbar, PA, doing Strongman Feats Performances. If…

Strongman - Useless Fad?

Published: Wed, 07/25/12

Diesels, I saw a video recently by a famous strength coach, Zach Even-Esh, where he made the statement that Strongman Training has become a fad. I…

Bigger Overhead Lifts?

Published: Sun, 07/22/12

DIESELS! I will tell you one thing right now - overhead lifting is one of my favorite ways to train. And recently, it seems like I am hitting on all…

FUNCtional Core or FICtional Core?

Published: Thu, 04/19/12

Did you know that most of what we have been taught about core training is DEAD WRONG. Like, how we have to do crunches, sit-ups, side-bends and a…

Easy Wrist Pain Fix for the Bench Press

Published: Wed, 02/08/12

Hey there - it's Jedd from DieselCrew.com Today I have a short article and video for you that will show you a way you can address wrist pain by…

Fear and Desire

Published: Mon, 01/30/12

Hey there - it's Jedd from DieselCrew.com Today I have a video for you showing the actual size of York Barbell Plates. This is a feature that I shot…

Awesome Glute Activation Exercise

Published: Thu, 01/19/12

Hey there - it's Jedd from DieselCrew.com When it comes to generating power for jumping, running, and bounding, you need to have strong, functional…

Published: Wed, 01/11/12

Hey there - it's Jedd from DieselCrew.com I just posted the second part of my "Most Popular Videos of 2011" series. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =…

Published: Mon, 01/09/12

Hello, I put something together for you this weekend that I think you will find very beneficial. The first part of it is up on the site right now. = =…

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