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Homeschool Help

Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Wed, 05/15/13

Homeschool How To News New This Month . . . Taking Charge of Your Family's Health - Okay, this isn't directly related to homeschooling, but it is, in…

Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Wed, 04/03/13

Homeschool How To News New This Month . . . 2 More New Videos! - I'm getting out of my comfort zone and doing some videos on different topics on my…

Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Wed, 03/06/13

Homeschool How To News New This Month . . . 2 New Videos! - I'm getting out of my comfort zone and doing some videos on different topics on my…

Best Homeschool Resources

Published: Mon, 01/28/13

Hi, As you know I always try to provide you with the best homeschool resources. This month I am going to keep things simple and just give you a few…

It's here!

Published: Tue, 08/21/12

Homeschool How To, I know it's been a while since I have written to you. There are 2 reasons for this. Firstly, when I was writing more often I had…

e-Camp is closing soon.... (don't miss out)

Published: Wed, 05/16/12

Hi, I just got word from Aurora at Supercharged Science that they are closing down enrollment in summer e-Camp 2012 by TOMORROW. Click the link below…

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