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The Navy SEALs' Favorite Gun

Published: Tue, 12/26/17

The Navy SEALs’ Favorite Gun By E. J. Smith I own two Sig Sauer P226s and have trained for days at the Sig Sauer Academy to gain proficiency. I…

It's Morning Again in America

Published: Wed, 12/20/17

It’s Morning Again in America By The Editors Eight years of a Mar ist influenced administration focused on more regulation, higher ta es on the…


Published: Tue, 12/12/17

Crash! By Richard C. Young I have been investing since the spring of 1964, and I do not remember being as uncomfortable with the health of the…

Emergency Cash: Bitcoin or Dollars?

Published: Tue, 12/05/17

Emergency Cash: Bitcoin or Dollars? E.J. Smith Bitcoin is being considered by some as their emergency stash. For me, when the power goes out, I prefer…

Bill Clinton's Shamlessness

Published: Tue, 11/21/17

Bill Clinton’s Shamelessness By Debbie Young If President Clinton had done the decent thing, he would have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky scandal…

The Obama Administration's Uranium Scandal

Published: Tue, 10/24/17

The Obama Administration’s Uranium Scandal By Debbie Young Bill and Hillary Clinton were just doing what the Clintons do best—cashing in on their…

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