400m High School Training Program

Published: Mon, 09/17/12

SpeedEndurance.com Success in Track & Field ... and Life

Greetings & Salve,

In my last newsletter, I mentioned the top 3 requests I get through personal email were 1. custom training programs, 2. changing coaches, and 3. injuries.

So here is a detailed training video series on How to train high school 400m runners that’s worth taking a look.

The high school level requires a slightly different set of variables than found in Collegiate, post-College or Elite level 400m programs. I can think of several challenges.. multi-sport sprinters, shorter track season, mid-week dual meets, and younger training ages are a few. How about weather and indoor facilities?

The other challenge would be the “Long to Short” vs “Short to Long” debate. This is one of the oldest debate for long sprinters.

Do you train long to short (like Clyde Hart and Bud Winter), build endurance and over-distance early in the fall, and then add speed later in the spring and summer?

Or do you train short to long (like Dan Pfaff and Charlie Francis), start with acceleration development from Week 1 of practice, and then add “distance to speed” over the course of the season?

In this video package, Latif Thomas takes you through setting up your annual program, details his entire workout progression for an entire 12 week season (including training around mid week dual meets!), breaks down his system for developing more self confident athletes, and gives detailed race plans for all the "long sprint" events and relays, indoors and outdoors.

He even gives you his top three favorite workouts, broken down by training quality.

But the most valuable part of the program is his offer to answer all of your training questions. Because this is an online program, you just post your questions under the video you are watching and Latif will answer them. This is like having a personal coach.

Here is a quick overview of his program:

  • Annual Plan Template (General, Specific, & Competition prep)
  • Strength & Power Development
  • Sample Workouts
  • 12 Week Annual Plan
  • Race strategies

The price is currently $125 but it is on sale now for $97 until Friday September 21 at midnight.

>> http://speedendurance.com/go/400metertraining

I know Sprinters are the most impatient people, wanting “instant gratification” all the time (we all check our stopwatches immediately at workouts and races, right? We all play video games, right?) So being a digital product, you have access to it right away.

September is the perfect time to get started for racing next summer!

Good Luck, and Enjoy!

Jimson Lee


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