Cephalofair Games

Updates from Cephalofair Games

A New Chapter

Published: Mon, 01/19/15

Hey !How are things? Sorry it's been so long since my last message. I spend so much time writing out all of my thoughts on the blog, usually there's…

Building and Growing

Published: Tue, 09/16/14

Hello! I hope you are doing well. Everything over here is great. I just signed a contract with a manufacturer for Forge War and we're starting to send…

The Next Horizon

Published: Tue, 07/22/14

Well, that was something Yes, a great something has happened since my last letter. You are probably aware that the Kickstarter for Forge War e ploded…

Teetering on the Edge

Published: Tue, 06/03/14

Hello friends! You know that cusp I kept talking about last time?Well, we are there. Like, 100% there. There is only one way this boulder is moving,…

Through the Weeds

Published: Mon, 04/14/14

Hello all! I haven't sent an update in a while because things have been pretty crazy busy for me and Forge War over the last couple weeks.When I…

Mass times velocity

Published: Mon, 02/03/14

Hey there! The glorious times are close, guys. I'm waiting on some of the priority graphic design (the cards and the board, mainly), and then review…

An End to the Lull

Published: Mon, 01/13/14

Hello! These last few months have not really been well-spent. I'll just get that out there. A while back, I decided I was never going to get my PhD if…

The Next Step

Published: Mon, 10/21/13

Greetings! It's been a pretty eventful couple of weeks at Cephalofair Games, even if all of that hasn't been fully reflected on the webpage.You see, a…

A Digital Foundation

Published: Mon, 10/07/13

Digital Forge War is live! Hey guys! I am happy to announce that the online version of Forge War is up and running on the site. This is big-time…

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