Adam Gemili & James Dasaolu: Can 2 Bulls Live in the Same Corral?

Published: Thu, 03/06/14

Success in Track & Field... and Life

In This Issue...

• Getting Blood Analysis anywhere in the World

• Nutrient timing: What to Eat After your Training Session  

• Can two Bulls Live in the Same Corral? 

• Best of Jan & Feb 2014


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For those who are connected with me on my Blog, Facebook, or Google+, you know I recently moved to London UK (not London Ontario!)

This means I got a new drivers license and now I’m looking for new health services and practitioners.  (remind me to stay left when driving!)

I am a big fan of testing at all levels, and one of the services I use is InsideTracker for blood analysis. Getting it tested was easy because I travel often to the USA, but now that I am in London, how can I get tested?

Fear not, InsideTracker has an International service that you can do from home, and all that is required is a few drops of blood. Allow the card to dry up, and mail it in:


What to Eat After your Training Session

There is so much controversy on what to eat (or drink) before, during and after your training session.  I wrote several articles on the Post-Workout Recovery, and it really boils down to nutrient timing and carbs/protein ratio, depending on YOUR GOAL. 

Frequency, intensity, and duration of workouts are also big factors.  Is recovery your main goal?  Or losing fat, gaining and maintaining muscle your goal?

Brian St-Pierre has a good article on the Precision Nutrition website, which sums up the paradox quite nicely.


Can 2 Bulls Live in the Same Corral?

Back in the 2013 newsletter, I wrote about Coaches Kevin Tyler and Steve Fudge with an in-depth look at a 400m World class sprinter training program and the 10 day taper.  Kevin was my former coach during my sub-Masters days whilst in Vancouver.

Steve recently made headlines with the success of James Dasaolu’s 2013/14 performances, and more recently adding some high profile names like Adam Gemili and Jonnie Peacock to his camp.

Both of these fine young athletes are now under his wing, and it would be nice to have some insight to his training and philosophy.

Can two Bulls live in the same corral, like Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake? Having 2 world-class sprinters on your team may be a coach’s dream, but it actually could present more drama than it’s worth!

Here is the 4 part video series:


Best of the last 2 months

As always, here are the best articles from January and February


Jimson Lee

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