Recovery and Regeneration with Don Chu

Published: Thu, 01/31/13 Success in Track & Field ... and Life

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In this issue:
  • Recovery and Regeneration with Dr. Don Chu
  • Wikipedia page update for EMS
  • Plyometric, Force and Ground Contact series continues
  • Most controversial and viral article for January
  • Best of Jan 2013


Rest and Recovery with Dr. Don Chu

Back in 2009, we hosted a Recovery, Regeneration and Rehabilitation conference in Vancouver. Our first speaker was Dr. Don Chu, and for almost 2 hours he gave an excellent overview with the speed/power events in mind. It’s on my other site, and the total length is almost 2 hours with the Q&A at the end.

There is no cost or signup required, just grab a drink and enjoy because there are some funny moments!

Here is the link, with his complete bio in the beginning of the article:


Wikipedia page update for EMS

Thanks to our volunteers who helped contribute and update the Wikipedia page! If you like to contribute, add or clarify any topic, please let me know!


Plyometric, Force and Ground Contact

I am building a series on this complex, yet important part of strength training that must not be overlooked when designing sprint programs. Running should always be the core for any sprinter, but improvement lies in proper biomechanics and strength training.

Part 10 was Eccentric Strength with Bobsled coach & former UKA Sprint coach Stuart McMillan.

Part 11 was Significance of Force Application in Max Velocity Sprinting with Triple Jump Olympian Kenta’ Bell.

Links to the previous series are in the articles.

Most Viewed Article of the Month

In case you missed it, guest writer and coach Joel Smith of Cal Berkeley wrote 3 Reasons the Squat is NOT the Cornerstone of Strength Training for Sprinters that generated several thousand views in the first 3 days thanks to social media!

It’s a controversial topic in the coaching community and I’ll let you interpret the article into your training cycle. Every case for strength training is different on an individual basis. You should always change the exercises in your program every year or two.

Best of Jan 2013

Hare are the best articles for January 2013.


Jimson Lee

Year in Review: Fireside Chat Reflecting London Olympics
2012-12-30 09:00:00-05

As we draw a close on 2012, one of my biggest highlights was attending the London Summer Olympics. A few months ago, Derek Hansen of interviewed me on my London experience. (Click here for the interview prior to the Games) Were my predictions correct?  Do I like Rule 40? (my answer will surprise you) [...]

Quick and Effective Ab Workouts
2013-01-07 07:00:00-05

There is no Olympic event for maximum sit-ups or crunches. Similarly for Bench Press, there is no Olympic event to lift someone sitting on your face. (I can think of times this could be helpful!) But we are all obsessed with sit-ups or core exercises. Fitness freaks do endless core routines for that 6-pack holy [...]

Should you Olympic Lift?
2013-01-14 03:05:00-05

This guest blog was written by Wil Fleming.  Visit his site at 5 things to consider before adding them to your program. The Olympic lifts have been around since the beginning of the weight training era. Once the province of only the most meaty of meatheads they have gained popularity steadily since they were [...]

Dayron Robles Training Documentary [with ENGLISH sub-titles]
2013-01-15 09:00:00-05

First, I want to thank Juan at for helping with the Spanish-to-English Translation. This was my first attempt at creating sub-titles to a foreign film, which was fairly easy with video editing software, but time consuming!  I reduced the video so I could have a clean black bottom stripe.  Nothing worse than reading white [...]

Do you Like Indoor Track & Field?
2013-01-17 04:00:00-05

I LOVE and I HATE indoor track and field. I LOVE indoor track because it breaks up the long season from September to August.  48 week a year is a long way to go without racing.  How the hell did Dwayne Chambers, Justin Gatlin or LaShawn Merritt do it, I’ll never know.  You have to [...]

Coaching Cues For The Drive Phase
2013-01-18 04:06:00-05

This article is guest blogged by Derrick Johnston, a Sprints & Hurdles Coach at the University of British Columbia, Canada. The Problem With newer athletes, most do not understand that there are different phases throughout the sprint race. And those different phases require changes in one’s biomechanics for optimum power, acceleration and top end speed. [...]

The Importance of the Standing Long Jump
2013-01-23 12:00:00-05

With the 2013 NFL Combine coming up, isn’t it interesting that the fastest 40 yard times come from players with the best Standing Long Jump AND the Standing Vertical Jump?  (using stats since 2000)  And the irony is some of these players have terrible sprint biomechanics (but who cares?  they are still faster than you) [...]

Running the Relay: Drills with John Smith & Jon Drummond
2013-01-25 08:00:00-05

This is a 5 part article, but I decided to write it as a single post rather than chop it up. Since the indoor season is upon us, I’ll start with the 4x200m & 4x400m Relays. Baton Exchanges: How to Run the 4x200m & 4x400m Push Pass or Upsweep? John Smith Video on the drills [...]

Arrogance vs Confidence (Stop Showboating!)
2013-01-28 10:07:00-05

It’s Monday morning, it’s cold and raining, and I’m a bit grumpy After watching some of the indoor competitions this past weekend, 99% of athletes executed well within their means. There are, of course, a few who didn’t follow my rules: No showboating, no waving to the crown, and no celebrations before you cross the [...]

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