Live 400 meter Training Session & 10 Day Taper

Published: Wed, 04/03/13

Success in Track & Field... and Life

In This Issue...

 Live 400 meter Training Session (and 10 Day Taper)

• Marc Mangiacotti’s 400m program 

• Best of March 2013

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Live 400 meter Training Session & 10 Day Taper with Kevin Tyler, Richard Buck

This month’s Freelap Friday Five included Kevin Tyler (former UKA Head of Coaching), Chip Jenkins (former 600m AR and 4x400m Olympic Gold medalist), April Holmes (Paralympic 100m Gold Medalist) and Craig Pickering (UK Sprinter and Bobsledder).  

The biggest response was generated from Kevin’s interview, where we talk in depth about training with Richard Buck, James Dasaolu, and Tyler Christopher (from 2005)Thus I want to provide more details only to my newsletter subscribers.

Kevin and Steve Fudge goes into detail the final 2 week taper leading up to the 2011 European Indoor Championships in Paris where Richard Buck won a bronze in the 400m, as well as a silver in the 4x400m for Team GB & NI.

As a bonus, we have a full video from a full specific endurance training session: 4x10m, 3x30m; from blocks 3x30m, speed work: 1x60m (@95%); specific endurance work: 300m [20min rest] and 200m (>95%)

>> Click here for the full article and video


Marc Mangiacotti's new 400 program

Marc Mangiacotti is the Men’s Sprints & Hurdles Coach at Harvard University.  Two years ago, he created a Masterclass for 100 meter training.

His new video is called Advanced Concepts in Training 400m Runners.  The videos span almost 5 hours and it’s a complete program with all the workouts, weight sessions, drills and warm-ups.  The course is divided into 10 videos, and you can ask questions directly under the comments section where Coach Mangiacotti answers them personally.

>> Click here for the 100 meters Training program

>> Click here for the 400 meters Training program


Best of March 2013

As always, here are the best articles for March 2013.


Jimson Lee

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