Happy New Year, Win a Freelap Timing System

Published: Thu, 01/03/13

SpeedEndurance.com Success in Track & Field ... and Life

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In this Issue:

  • Win a Freelap Timing System contest
  • 9 articles on Hamstring Pulls
  • Intensive vs Extensive Tempo?
  • Best of Dec 2012

First, I want to take two lines and wish everyone a Happy New Year. I wish you a SB, PB, NR, WR and Age Group records in 2013!

Second, there is a contest that’s only open to newsletter subscribers.

Last summer, Freelap Track and Field sponsored a series of “Freelap Friday Five” articles where I interviewed 16 top coaches with 5 questions each, mostly in areas of Track & Field and Strength & Conditioning.

Take a look at the 16 interviews, and simply enter in the comments why you think that coach was the best in the series. He doesn’t have to be an accomplished coach, as long as his article helped YOU. Boo Schexnayder, Dan Pfaff, Mike Young, Dennis W. Mitchell… there’s even an extensive high jump interview by Dave Kerin and long/triple jump interviews with Kenta’ Bell and UK’s Nick Newman.

Be sure to enter your comments on the main contest page:


The winner can choose between the Freelap Sprint Athlete Kit or the Freelap Sprint Starter Kit (a $529 USD value!)

Contest Ends: Friday Jan 11, 2013 at midnight PST. Due to customs & duty restrictions, you must be a USA resident to win.

Hamstring Pulls

I put up a series of 9 articles on Hamstring Pulls. I hope you don’t need them, but you never know!

They were written by myself, Derek Hansen, Gerard Mach and Thachvu Ho:


Sidenote: Gerard Mach of the Mach Drills fame will be re-printing his 1980 classic Sprints and Hurdles. Stay tuned for details.

Intensive vs Extensive Tempo

One of the top 10 questions I get on email and Facebook is how to implement Intensive and Extensive Tempo. I won’t repeat it as Jim Hiserman answered them for me in a Q&A format from the mail bag:

Best of Dec 2012

As always, here are the best articles for December 2012. Enjoy!


Jimson lee


Curve Running & How to Race the Indoor 200m 300m 400m
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I watched several videos this past weekend and I want to comment on 2 things that could be improved in some of the sprinters I watched.  That is, (1) race strategy and (2) how to run the curve. For simplicity sake in this discussion, I will assume a standard 200 meter equidistance track of 50 [...] 
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Fireside Chat: Owning the Podium
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Interview with Andreas Behm (Aries Merritt’s Coach)
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5 Reasons Why YOU Need More Sleep
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Christmas Break Workout Ideas
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